An integrated ecosystem monitoring technology for coal mining subsidence areas and its application in the Shendong mining area
CHENG Yang;LIU Wei;ZHANG Na;LI Guanjie;LIU Kai;ZHANG Chengye;LI Jun
研究表明:(1)提出的“煤−岩−水−土−气−植−碳”要素一体化监测和“天−空−塔−地−室”多观测平台协同的技术体系,统筹考虑了各监管部门的要求和不同观测平台的优势,解决了生态环境多要素耦合协同分析、多部门监测要求协调的问题,满足了多个监管部门对指标覆盖性和监测效率的要求。(2)研发的神东生态环境监测平台集成了多源数据高效组织管理模型、智能决策模型等,解决了多源异构大数据管理与时空协同处理、基于多源监测大数据的生态修复智能决策等问题,助力了采煤沉陷区生态修复工程与植物日常管护。(3) 提出的采煤沉陷区生态环境一体化监测技术在神东矿区绿色矿山建设中应用,在植物类型与种植密度优化决策、植被长势与土壤墒情研判、修复工程的植株数量与存活率智能监测验收等方面取得了良好的应用效果,为干旱半干旱采煤沉陷区生态环境监测治理提供了典型案例参考。
The ecosystem monitoring of arid and semi-arid coal mining subsidence areas acts as a significant prerequisite for regional ecosystem conservation and management, holding critical significance for accelerating green mine construction.
Based on the Chinese government's regulatory requirements for mine ecosystems, this study analyzed the difficulties in ecosystem monitoring in the coal mining subsidence area of the Shendong mining area (also referred to as the Shendong coal mining subsidence area). By detailing the integrated coal-rock-water-soil-air-vegetation-carbon monitoring technology system, this study determined the factors, principal methods, and technology roadmap for the integrated ecosystem monitoring in the Shendong coal mining subsidence area. Accordingly, this study delved into the spatiotemporal synergistic relationships of the space-air-tower-ground-laboratory multi-platform observations and then developed the Shendong ecosystem monitoring platform, which was applied to the integrated ecosystem monitoring in the Shendong coal mining subsidence area.
The results indicate that the integrated ecosystem monitoring technology system, combined with the space-air-tower-ground-laboratory multi-platform observations, comprehensively accounts for the requirements of various regulatory authorities and the advantages of different observation platforms, achieves the synergistic analysis of multiple ecological factors and the coordination of various regulatory authorities, and fulfills the requirements of multiple regulatory authorities for indicator coverage and monitoring efficiency. The Shendong ecosystem monitoring platform, integrating models including the efficient organization and management model of multi-source data and the intelligent decision-making model, enables the management and spatiotemporal collaborative processing of multi-source heterogeneous big data, as well as the intelligent decision-making for ecological restoration based on the big data from multi-source monitoring, facilitating the ecological restoration engineering and routine plant care in the Shendong coal mining subsidence area. The integrated ecosystem monitoring technology has been applied in the green mine construction of the Shendong mining area, achieving encouraging outcomes in the decision-making for the optimization of plant types and planting density, the assessment of vegetation growth and soil moisture content, and the intelligent monitoring and acceptance check of plant quantities and survival rates in the restoration engineering. This study provides a typical case for ecosystem monitoring and management in arid and semi-arid coal mining subsidence areas.
integrated monitoring;underground mining;ecosystem;multi-factor integration;multi-platform collaboration;remote sensing;Shendong coal mining subsidence area
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会