Achieving High-Quality Effluent and Low-Carbon Emission throughCoupling Fluidized Pellet Bed and Capacitive Deionization
LUO Dingkun;TONG Peipei;LI Zhihua;REN Tianlong;YANG Chengjian;WANG Xiaochang
School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology
Xi′an Key Laboratory of Intelligent Equipment Technology for Environmental Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology
Key Laboratoryof Northwest Water Resource, Environment and Ecology, MOE, Xi′an University of Architecture andTechnology
Xi′an Capital Water Company Limited
Currently, wastewater treatment plants predominantly use biological processes to degradeand remove pollutants. These processes consume energy, hinder resource recovery, and generatesubstantial greenhouse gas emissions. To address these issues, we developed a fully materializedprocess that couples the fluidized pellet bed (FPB) with the flow-electrode capacitive deionization(FCDI) system. This process separates pollutants from wastewater rather than degrading them, resultingin good effluent quality and reduced carbon emissions from the wastewater treatment process. It alsoallows the separated high concentration of pollutants to be used for carbon and nitrogen resourcerecovery. The results showed that the removal rates of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and totalphosphorus (TP) in the FPB system were 70.71% and 84.64%, respectively. The removal rate ofammonia nitrogen (-N) in the FCDI system was 98.50%. The final effluent concentrations of COD,TP, and -N in the FPB-FCDI coupled process system were (13.43 ± 1.24), (0.16 ± 0.03), and(0.29 ± 0.08) mg/L, respectively, meeting Class Ⅳ surface water quality standards in China.Additionally, the FPB system effectively removed most non-dissolved or colloidal COD particles(0.45 - 6.00 μm). This reduced the potential impact of this COD on the downstream FCDI system.Consequently, this resulted in an enhancement of the nitrogen removal current efficiency in the FCDIsystem from 15.33% to 17.33% and a decrease in specific energy from 11.65 (kW·h)/kg to 10.31(kW·h)/kg, demonstrating the full potential of the synergistic effects of the FPB-FCDI coupled process.In addition, the process exhibited a low-carbon characteristics, with the operational procedure capableof reducing greenhouse gas production and recovering potential resources, thereby facilitating thedecarbonization. The energy utilization in the process was converted to carbon emissions, amounting to0.42 kg CO/m, which was 53.83% of that in traditional biological treatment process. It is estimatedthat a further reduction of 0.19 kg CO/m could be achieved by recovering electricity from theseparated carbon sources of the FPB system using anaerobic digestion. The operating cost of the FPB-FCDI coupled process system was 0.42 RMB/m, which was only one-quarter to one-half of theoperating cost of the traditional domestic wastewater treatment process. Therefore, the study explores anovel low-carbon and high-efficiency wastewater treatment technology, providing a new approach fordeveloping the next-generation of green, high-efficiency, and low-carbon wastewater treatmentprocesses.
Fluidized pellet bed;Flow-electrode capacitive deionization;Municipal wastewater;Synergistic effect;Low-carbon
LUO Dingkun, TONG Peipei, LI Zhihua, et al. Achieving High-Quality Effluent and Low-Carbon Emissionthrough Coupling Fluidized Pellet Bed and Capacitive Deionization[J]. Energy Environmental Protection,2025, 39(1): 173−180.