• 全部
  • Title

    Study on the Efficiency of Denitrification and Phosphorus Removal inMunicipal Wastewater Enhanced by Elemental Sulfur

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHOU Miao;ZHOU Lichang;CHENG Boyi;GUO Gang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of School of Environmental Science and Engineering, University ofHuazhong University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The treatment of sulfur-containing wastewater from industries such as petroleum refineriesand tanneries can produce significant amounts of low-cost elemental sulfur (S). In recent years,numerous studies have investigated the use of inexpensive sulfur sources to improve denitrification andnitrogen removal efficiencies in wastewater treatment. However, there has been relatively less researchon enhancing phosphorus removal through sulfur sources. Therefore, when the influent carbon sourceconcentration was 200 mg/L (in terms of COD), the anaerobic/aerobic operation mode was first used toacclimate traditional enhanced biological phosphorus removal sludge. Nitrate was then added at the endEnergy Environmental Protectionof each anaerobic period to establish a denitrifying phosphorus removal system. Finally, 67.5 mg/L ofS was added to the reactor in each cycle to assess its impact on enhancing the denitrifying phosphorusremoval performance. The results demonstrated that the addition of S enhanced the reductiveenvironment during the anaerobic phase, facilitating anaerobic phosphorus release, and it served as anelectron donor during the anoxic phase. Furthermore, the addition of S could reduce microbial richnessand diversity, leading to decreased relative activities among glycogen-accumulating organisms, whereasthere was an increase in the relative abundance of Thiothrix bacteria, increasing from 18.5% to 23.6%.Consequently, the phosphorus removal rate increased from 92.3% ± 9.7% to 97.2% ± 1.9%, with ahigher average and reduced fluctuation; nitrate removal increased from 50 mg N/L to approximately62 mg N/L. Sulfate production increased from 1.4 mg S/L to 13.6 mg S/L in the anoxic stage, whichwas significantly higher than the sulfate production in the anaerobic stage. Following the addition of Seach cycle, only sulfate was detected, while no sulfide or thiosulfate was found, indicating sulfuroxidation occurred, with almost no sulfur reduction in the reactor. In the typical cycle experiments,acetate was completely consumed within 60 minutes, suggesting that the system had a good carbonremoval effect; nitrate could be rapidly consumed to a low concentration within 30 minutes, revealingthat the reactor had a high nitrate removal rate and stable denitrification effect; the addition of S couldenhance anaerobic phosphorus release, and its contribution rate to anaerobic phosphorus release isapproximately 26%; the phosphorus absorption per 1 mg N/L of nitrate increased from 0.895 mg P/L to1.207 mg P/L, with S contributed 25.9% to denitrification and phosphorus removal.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Elemental sulfur;Denitrification;Phosphorus removal;Thiothrix;Sulfur-containingwastewater;Sulfur bacteria

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHOU Miao, ZHOU Lichang, CHENG Boyi, et al. Study on the Efficiency of Denitrification and PhosphorusRemoval in Municipal Wastewater Enhanced by Elemental Sulfur[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2025,39(1): 181−190.
  • 相关专题

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