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  • Title

    Determination on rational layer position of high level gas drainage gateway for high gassy fully- mechanized top coal caving mining face

  • 作者


  • Author

    Song Weihua Li Youze Han Yanlong Zhao Hui Zhao Chunyang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mining Engineering, Liaoning Technical University
  • 摘要

    为解决下沟煤矿ZF301工作面所在的高瓦斯区域采空区瓦斯涌出量大,工作面风流及上隅角瓦斯经常超限的问题,基于采动覆岩破坏形成的"O"形圈理论,提出在其顶板布置高抽巷的治理方法。通过理论计算得到顶板岩层断裂高度为47.03~58.23 m,利用Fluent软件数值模拟高抽巷在45、55、65 m三个不同垂距的抽采效果,得到55 m层位的高抽巷抽采瓦斯体积分数最大,上隅角瓦斯体积分数最小,且在1%以下。现场将高抽巷布置在50 m层位,正常回采期间平均瓦斯抽采纯量为31.58 m~3/min,占工作面绝对瓦斯涌出量的比例达到了69.74%,使风排瓦斯量下降到4.79 m3/min,上隅角瓦斯从未超限,达到了工作面瓦斯防治的目的。

  • Abstract
    In order to solve the problems of high gas emission from the high gassy area of the goaf in No. ZF301 coal mining face of Xiagou Mine and the frequent over limit of the air flow in the coal mining face and the gas at the top corner, based on the " O" ring theory of mining overburden strata failure, a control method of the h igh level gas drainage gateway set in the roof was provided. With the theoretical calculation, the height of the cracking zone in the roof strata obtained was 47.03 ~ 58. 23 m. Fluent numerical software was applied to simulate the drainage effects of the high level drainage gateway at three different vertical distances of 45, 55 and 65 m. . The drained gas density obtained from the high level drainage gateway at 55 m layer position was maximum and the gas volume fraction at the top corner was minimum and would be below 1%. At the mine site, the high level drainage gateway was set in the 50 m layer position. During the normal mining period, the average gas drained pure volume was 31.58 m3/min and taken 69.74% in the absolute gas emission volume percentage of the coal mining face. Thus, the gas volume released the mine ven tilation was reduced to 4.79 m3/min. The gas content at the top corner was never over the limit and the gas prevention and control target of the coal mining face was re ached.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high level gas drainage gateway;“O"ring theory; rational layer position; fault zone;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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