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  • Title

    Study on pore features and adsorption storage performances of low rank coal reservoir in Huanglong Coalfield

  • 作者


  • Author

    Lin Yabing Shen Xiaolong Liu Jun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Lab of Coal Resources Exploration and Comprehensive Uillization, Ministry of Land and Resources Shaanxi
    Coal Geology Investigation Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    为了研究黄陇侏罗纪煤田低煤阶煤煤储层孔隙特征和吸附储集性能,采集了黄陇煤田不同矿区的煤样,利用液氮吸附、扫描电镜和等温吸附试验等测试方法,研究了低煤阶煤储层煤比表面积、孔容特征、孔隙特征、孔径分布特征、微裂隙发育程度及煤样的吸附特征。研究结果表明:黄陇煤田低煤阶煤BET比表面积集中分布在1~5 m~2/g,比表面积较小;BJH孔容分布区间集中在0.003~0.030m L/g,煤孔径分布特征主要以微孔和小孔为主,中孔次之;煤样表面微孔隙发育,Langmuir体积分布在7.95~16.52 m3/t,Langmuir压力分布在1.22~5.77 MPa,吸附能力一般,易解吸。结合以往地勘资料研究认为彬长、焦平及黄陵矿区有利于煤层气的勘探开发。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the pore features and the adsorption and storage performances of the low rank coal reservoir in Huanglong Jurassic Coalfield, the coal samples were collected from different mining areas in Huanglong Coalfield, and a liquid nitrogen adsorption, scanning electron microscopy, isotherm adsorption test and other test method were applied to study the coal specific surface area, the pore volume features, the pore features, the pore diameter distribution features, micro crack development degree as well as the adsorption features of the coal samples. The study results showed that the specific surface area of the low rank coal BET in Huangl ong Coalfield was concentrated and distributed in 1 ~ 5 m2/g and the specific surface area was small. The interval of the BJH pore volume distribution was concentrate d ranging from 0.003 ~ 0.030 m L/g, and the coal pore distribution features mainly were the micro pore and small pore as main and the medium pore would be second. The micro pore on the coal sample surface was developed, the Langmuir volume was distributed in 7.95 ~ 16.52m3/t, the Langmuir pressure was distributed at 1.22 ~ 5. 77 MPa, the adsorption capacity was general and the desorption was easy. In combined with the previous geological survey information, the study held that Binchang, J iaoping and Huangling Mining Areas would be favorable to the coalbed methane exploration and development.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Huanglong Coalfield; low rank coal reservoir; coalbed methane; pore features;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关文章

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