• 全部
  • Title

    Research on fully-mechanized coal mining technology and equipment in thin and medium extremely inclined coal seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Wei Liu Junfeng Dai Shaojun Lan Yongwei Jin Zhupeng Chen Gang

  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineering, Heilongjiang University of Science & Technology Key Laboratory of Mining
    Engineering College of Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang University of Science & Technology Coal Mining and
    Designing Department, Tiandi Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    为实现薄及中厚急倾斜煤层的综合机械化开采,确立了适合60°~90°急倾斜煤层开采的采煤工艺与装备体系。采煤工作面沿走向布置,沿倾斜向下推进,设备布置与工艺流程均在同一水平方向上完成;以铰接液压支架为载体配合冲击式采煤机与上悬链式刮板输送机,支架依靠楔形架脚作用自行降架,降架动作起到了刮板输送机刮送浮煤的作用,同时又为采煤机准备了下一循环的破煤工序,从而形成了破煤、降架、运煤工序配合的循环工艺流程,支架支护伴随工艺流程全过程。结果表明:该工艺流程避免了设备防倒防滑等障碍环节,煤层倾角越大越适合;工序配合可靠,运行安全高效,试验工作面日产量为1 944 t/d,工作面采出率为95%,达到了综合机械化采煤技术标准。
  • Abstract
    In order to achieve fully-mechanized mining in thin and medium extreme inclined seam, a new mining technology and equipment system was established for steep coal seam of 60° ~ 90° dip angle. Mining face was laid along the strike and advance down the slope, the layout of equipment and technological process were C ompleted on the horizontal axis. The Joint-shaped hydraulic support was the main carrier for impact shear and hanging chain scraper conveyor assembly on it. Support self-dropping relied on wedge-shaped seat, support drop generated the condition of carrying broken coal for scraper conveyor at the same time, the coal broken proces s was prepared for next operation cycle, so formed the cyclic process of broken coal, support drop and coal carrying. The supporting role of support took place with who le technological process. The results indicated that the process avoided the non-slip and anti-fall measures for equipment, the greater dip angle, the more suitable for t he process. The cooperation of processes was reliable, and the running of equipment was safe and efficient, the daily output of test working face reached to 1 944 t/d a nd its extraction rate reached to 95%, it was up to the technology standard of fully-mechanized coal mining.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    extremely inclined coal seam; joint-shaped hydraulic support; support self-dropping; impact coal-cutting;


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