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  • Title

    Study on development law of water conducted zone in fully- mechanized mining face with 7m mining height

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yang Junzhe

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited
  • 摘要
    为研究西部浅埋煤层大采高综采条件下导水断裂带的发育规律,以大柳塔煤矿5-2煤层7m大采高综采工作面为研究对象,采用数值模拟、理论计算分析、钻孔冲洗液漏失量分析和数字全景钻孔成像观测等方法。结果表明:导水断裂带发育高度与覆岩赋存结构类型、工作面长度以及主关键层位置距煤层高度等因素有关,工作面尺寸的变化对覆岩导水断裂带影响较大,同样7 m大采高条件下,工作面长度为147.5 m时,导水断裂带发育高度为68.76 m,为采高的9.82倍;工作面长度为301m时,导水断裂带发育高度远超出理论值,断裂带高度为137.32 m,为采高的19.62倍。5-2煤层采后实测导水断裂带发育高度为68.76~137.32 m,裂采比为10.1~20.2。
  • Abstract
    in order to studly the development law of the water conducted zone under the condtion of thefill- mechanized high cuting coal mining in the shallow depth seam of west China based on th full - mechanized mining face with 7 m mining height in No.5- 2 seam in Dlita Mine as the studly object a numerical sinulaton.theoretical acu ation nl ysis boreholefushing liquid lot value analysis dgital panorami: borehole imaging observation and other methods were applied.The resuts showed that the development heightof the water conducted zone was elated to the depostied structure type of the overburden strata,the width ofthe coal mining fa:e,the mnain key stratum location to the seam height and other factors and the variation of the coal mining face size woul affcted the water conducted zoneof the overurden strata.Meanwhile,under the condion of the ? m mining height when the length of the coal minin face was 147. 5 m,the develoment heght of the waterconducted zone was 68.76 m and would be 9.8 2 times of than the coal mining height.When the length of the coal mining face wa 301 mthe develogment height of the waterconducted zone was far over the theoretcal value.the heightof the fracture zone was 137.32 m and was 19.62 times of the mining height. Afitr the mining of No.5-2seam,the measured development height of the water conducted zone was 68.76 ×137.32 m and the fractured zone height and mining heigh ratio was 10.1~20.2.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    shallow depth sean;fill -mechanized mining wth 7 m mining hight:water conducted zone; borehole imaging; caving zone and fractured zone and sagging zone distribution; water keeping coal mining;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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