• 全部
  • Title

    Dynamic prediction method of residual gas content distribution for seam after gas pre-drainage

  • 作者


  • Author

    Ma Shu Kang Furu Han Zhenli Zhou Bingqiu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Guizhou Provincial Research Institute of Mine Safety Guizhou Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center of Mine Gas Prevention and Control
  • 摘要
    针对煤层预抽后的残余瓦斯含量测定难度大且不能动态预测的问题,通过对影响残余瓦斯含量分布的瓦斯储量分布、预抽方法与布孔参数、煤层与煤质特征、井下生产活动等因素的分析,提出通过划分预测单元、确定预测指标、建立预测模型和绘制残余瓦斯含量分布动态预测图来实现残余瓦斯含量分布动态预测的方法。并采用该方法建立了金佳矿11223工作面残余瓦斯含量动态预测模型,经井下实测数据验证:最大绝对误差0.86 m3/t,最大相对误差18.08%,最后利用Surfer工具绘制出11223工作面的残余瓦斯含量分布动态预测图,实现了动态预测。
  • Abstract
    Accoding to the problen of a high dificult o measure the residual gas content of seam and unable to dynaniclly predict after the gas pre-drainage operation,with the anaysis on thegasreserves distrbuton ffected to the residual gasconment distibution.gas predrainage method,borehole layout paramneters,seam and ocal q lt features.,nderground producion activties and others factors a method to dynanically predict theresidual gas conent ditribution could be realied with theprediction unit dvided,the predicion index detemined,prediction model established and the dyamic predicion drawings of the residual gas content distribution drawn.Atynamic predicton model of the residual gas content in N0o.1123 coal mining face of Jhja Nine was established with the nethod. The underground site measured data showed that the max absoute error was 0.86 m13/t and the max relative eror was 18.08%.Finally.the Surertools was applie to drav the dynamic pred ctien drawing of the residual gas content distribution in No.11223 coal mining face and the dynamic prediction could be realized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    residual gas content; borehole drilling quantity; evenness of boreholes; dynamic prediction;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关专题

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