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  • Title

    Experiment study on pore structure of low rank coal affected to gas adsorption features

  • 作者


  • Author

    Lin HaifeiWei Wenbin Li ShugangCheng Lianhua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Safety Science and Engineering.Xi'an University of Science and Technology MOE Key Lab of Mining and Disaster Prevention in Western Mine
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to reveal the porestructure of the low rank coal affced to the gas adsorption perfomances ,the low rank cal samples were taken from nine typical nines in Xinjang Zhunnan Coalied,the lo w temperaure nitrogen adsorption and the gas sothermal dsorption experiments were conduced and the relatonship between the adsorption pore feature paramelers and the gas adsoption parametersof the low rank coal was studied. Theresults shewed that witin the experiment cpe.the iscthemal adscption gas curves ofthe low rank coal in Zhunmnan Ccaffeld coud utize the Langmur ecuation representation.The larger average pore size of thelow rank cal was ,the smaler interaction force between the pores would be ,the smaller volume adsoption constant and the gas adsoption volulme was.the igher of he presure adsopion constant and the adsorption saturaion would be. with the increasing of the cal specific surace area.pore voume as wvl as the specific suracearea and pore volumeconent of each pore size,the voume constant and gas adsorption volume woud be increased and the pressure adsorption constants and adsorption saturation woula be decreased. Within the stuty dimension scopethe pore fractal features were obvious,the volume adsorption constant.gas adsorption volume andfractal dimension would be in a posiv linear relationship and the pressure adsopion constant.adsopion saturation and fractal dimension would be in anegatve inear relationship.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    adsorption performances; pore structure; fractal dimension; low rank coal;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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