• 全部
  • Title

    Study on optimal allocation of karst water resources in Hanxing Mining Area

  • 作者


  • Author

    Yin Shangxian Han Yong Chang Haoyu Guo Junzhong Zhang Xiangwei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hebei Provincial Key Lab of Mine Disaster Prevention and ControlNorth China Insttute of Science and Technology School of Safety Engineering,North China Institute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    为改变邯邢矿区岩溶水位持续下降、降落漏斗不断扩大的现状,实现泉水复涌,首先通过区域岩溶水资源的调查与供需平衡分析,得出泉水断流的主要原因是开采量大于补给量;其次,以岩溶地下水系统模型为基础,通过模拟预测表明:如果保持现有系统补给量与开采量不变,岩溶水水位仍将不断下降、达活泉及百泉断流、水生态环境持续恶化。为此,应用水资源区域配置的理念,建立了以百泉泉域水环境持续好转为目标的水资源管理模型,在邢台市区生活用水、农业用水基本保持不变,以及百泉泉域总开采量小于总补给量等约束条件下,解算得到了总用水量减少0.591 m~3/s、泉域总补给量减去总开采量盈余0.29 m~3/s的优化供水方案。通过模型模拟预测,按照此优化方案,泉域水位逐步恢复,10年后百泉和达活泉泉水重新复涌。
  • Abstract
    in order to change the karst water table continuous drop and the drop hopper continuously expanded staus in Hanmin Mlining Area and to realize the spring re-gushing,frstly with the investigation and the supply and demand balance analysis on the regional kart water resouces,the main causes of the spring no-ftow were the water mining value higher than the rering volune . Seccndar y.based on the karst underground waler system mocdel s the bas s,thesinmu ation pred cion showed tht if he eiing volume of the avaiable system retained and the mining voume unchanged.the karst water table would be coninLously dropped.the Huo spring ad the Bai Spring would be no water flow and the water ecolgic environment woult be continuously worst Therefor, with the id ea of the wateresouceregiona licaton.a water resourcesmanagement model was established to keep the water environment of Baiquan spring region continuousl geing better as the target. The domestic water in Xingtai downtown and the agrcutre water would be kept no change. As woll s the total mining volume of the water inBadquanArea wasless than the totareflig volume andother restiction condiions,the calcu ation showed that the optimized waler supply plan was obtained with the total water consumption volume reduced by 0.591 m1'/s and the tolal fling volume of Baiquan Area with a surplus of 0.29 m'ls and with the minus of the total mining volume. with the mod l simuiation pedction.accoding to the optinized plan.the underground water table in the spring area would be steadiy recovered and aftr10 years,Balquan and Dahuoquan springwater would be re-inflow.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Hanxing Mining Area; karst water resources; optimal alocation; water environment: water resource protection and utilization.

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关专题

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