• 全部
  • Title

    Key technology and equipment of rapid drilling for large diameter vertical directional borehole in mine area

  • 作者


  • Author

    Shi Zhijun Zhao Jiangpeng Lu Hongtao Tian Hongliang Hao Shijun Zhang Qiang Shi Haiqi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Xi'an Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Pingshang Coal Industry Company Limited,Shanxi Jincheng Anthracite Mining Group
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to meet an accurate target hiting of the lage diameter verical irectional borehole,rapid driling safety passed through mine roadway and otherbasic constuction requiremens frstiyproblemsexisted in the hard rock construction under the stata structure and the compliated condtion of the hydrogeology wassowved inthecoal mine area,the paper ad a study on the optimized and raid dillng of the pilot hoe reverse ciculaton ilig of the cluster down hole hammer.saietypssed though mine roadway constucion and othrkey technogy and had a research and development on ZMK5530TZJ6O0( A)truck-mounted dlling rig seismic proof EiM-MWD elecromagnetic wave measuring sysem wile rlling lage diameter custer reverse circulation down hole hammer and the matching equipment. Depended on the site experiments on several engineering projects the results showed that the ZMK530TZJ6C0( A ruck-mouned driling rg could mest the constuction requirements of the large diameter down hole hammer revere circulation driling.The seis mic reducton measures of the seismic roof type E去M-4WD elecromagnetic wave inclinomefer were rational and could reach the reqxuirements to be aplid with the pneunmatic down hole hammer The hard rock remaining rling eficiency of the lage diameter custer reverse circulation down hole hamner could be increased by 2 ~ 3 times. Experinent showed tht the excelle t efiect was obtained by the completed key technology and equipment of the large diameter vertical directional rapid drilling in the mine area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lage dianeter borehole:,truc'-mounted d iling rig: pneumatic down hole hammer reverse circulaton driling; passed through mine roadway constouct on;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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