• 全部
  • Title

    Study on the law of heat dissipation zone, oxidization and heat accumulation zone, suffocative zone in goaf and spontaneous combustion prevention in slicing mining of thick seam

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhang Xinhai Wan Xu Xu Yanhui Ding Feng Mao Wenlong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploration and Hazard Prevention, Ministry of Education, Xi' an University of Science and Technology School of Safety Science and Engineering,X' an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    针对陕北某矿5101工作面易自燃厚煤层分层开采采空区遗煤自燃危险性大的问题,通过现场监测其上、下分层采空区气体成分变化并进行该工作面煤样的自然发火试验,研究下分层开采时采空区自燃的极限参数及自燃"三带"分布规律。研究表明:下分层回采时,原来为窒息带的上分层采空区以及下分层工作面后的采空区形成了2个自燃"三带",且上分层初次氧化的遗煤经二次氧化自燃危险性会大幅增加,同时采空区自燃危险区域宽度增大了100 m以上,初始CO浓度增长较快。在回采期间采取了注氮、采空区两侧堵漏、注浆等防火技术措施,并进行了效果检验以保证工作面的正常回采。
  • Abstract
    According to the problem of high spontaneous combustion danger of left coal in the goaf of No.5101 coal mining face with the slicing mining in the easy spontaneous combustion and thick seam, with the site monitoring on the gas components variation of the goaf in the top and low slices and the spontaneous combustion experiments of the coal samples from the coal mining faces, the paper had a study on spontaneous combustion limit parameters of the goaf during the slicing mining an d the distribution law of heat dissipation zone, oxidization and heat accumulation zone, suffocative zone. The study showed that during mining the low slicing, the previou s suffocative zone of goaf in the top slice and the goaf of the low slice coal mining face would form two heat dissipation zone, oxidization and heat accumulation zone, su focative zone. The spontaneous combustion danger of the primary oxidized left coal would be highly increased after the secondary oxidization. Meanwhile, the width oft he spontaneous combustion danger area in the goaf would be increased over 100 m and the primary CO concentration would be rapidly increased. During the coal mini ng period, the nitrogen injection, leakage sealing at the two sides of the goaf, grouting and other fire prevention technical measures were conducted, and the effect inspect ion was conducted to ensure the normal mining operation of the coal mining face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    slicing mining; thick seam; spontaneous combustion; fire prevention technology;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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