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  • Title

    Study on fracturing height of mining overburden strata above fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face in Wangpo Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Xiao-gang FAN Shao-wu WANG Dong CHENG Zhi-heng ZHANG Lang JI Wen-bo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Mining and Design Branch,China Coal Research Institute Mine Safety Branch,China Coal Research Institute
    Company Limited National Key Lab of Coal Resource High Efficient Mining and Clean Uillization,China Coal Research
    Institute School of Resources and Safety Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology ( Beiing)
  • 摘要
    为了提高王坡煤矿3号煤层综放开采断裂带瓦斯抽采效率,准确找到断裂带高度位置。以王坡煤矿3215综放工作面为例,采用数值计算方法和双端堵水法对王坡煤矿3215综放开采工作面覆岩破裂高度进行了分析及实测研究,2种方法研究结果呈现了较好的一致性。研究结果表明:3215工作面覆岩破裂高度为54~57 m,数值计算和实测结果较为真实地揭示了该工作面覆岩破裂高度情况;证明了双端堵水法的井下实测断裂带位置的可行性,可为该矿及类似条件矿井高位瓦斯抽采钻孔层位参数优化提出了技术解决方案。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the gas drainage efficiency of the mining crack zone in the fully- mechanized top coal caving mining face in No.3 Seam of Wangpo Min e,a high location of the crack zone was accurately found. Based on No. 3215 fully- mechanized top coal caving mining face of Wangpo Mine as the engineering backgroun d,a numerical calculation method and " double end water sealing method" were applied to the analysis and site measured Analysis on the crack height of the overburden st rata above No. 3215 fully- mechanized top coal caving mining face of Wangpo Mine. The Analysis results showed a good consistency. The Analysis showed that the crack h eight of the overburden strata above No. 3215 fully- mechanized top coal caving mining face was 54 ~ 57 m and the numerical value and the site measured results could a ctually reveal the crack height condition of the overburden strata above the coal mining face. The study verified the feasibility of the " double end water sealing method" to measure the crack location in the underground mine and could provide technical solution to optimize the high level borehole stratum in the mine as well as the mine with th e similar conditions.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    height of crack zone; UDEC numerical analysis; double end water sealing; volume fraction method;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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