• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis on Stability of Narrow Coal Pillar Influenced by Main Roof Fracture Structure of Gob-Side Roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Hong-sheng LI Shu-gang ZHANG Xin-zhi WU Lin-zi DONG Yong-jian SHUANG Hai-qing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology Xunyi County Zhongda Yanjiahe Coal .
    Mining Limited Company
  • 摘要
    为掌握基本顶断裂结构对窄煤柱稳定性的影响规律,通过理论分析和数值模拟分析建立了沿空掘巷围岩结构力学模型,可知沿空巷道基本顶存在3种断裂结构形式,基本顶断裂线位于不同位置时,巷道围岩应力、煤柱应力及变形差异较大;断裂线位于巷道正上方时对巷道维护不利,断裂线位于窄煤柱外侧时对巷道维护有利。结果表明:燕家河煤矿8105运输巷中心线距采空区边界8.5 m,护巷煤柱宽6.5 m时,巷道顶底板、两帮最大移近量分别为420、600 mm,有效保证了沿空巷道稳定性。
  • Abstract
    In order to master the law of the main roof fracture structure affected to the stability of the narrow coal pillar, the rock structure surrounding mechanical model of gob- side entry driving was built, three kinds of main roof fracture structure were presented. There were many differences in pillar stress and deformation of su rrounding rock in gob- side roadway when the main roof fracture location were different. It was unfavorable to roadway maintenance if the fracture line was right above gob- side roadway; it was favorable to roadway maintenance if the fracture line was outside of coal pillar. The results showed that the distance between the center line of No. 8105 headentry in Yanjiahe Mine and the gob- edge was 8. 5 m, coal pillar width was 6. 5 m, the maximum roof- to- floor convergence was 420 mm, the maximu m rib- to- rib convergence was 600 mm, the stability of the gob- side roadway was effectively controlled.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    main roof fracture line; narrow coal pllr; gob-side entry driving; stability of surrounding rock;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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