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  • Title

    Study on Slicing Top Coal Caving Mining Technology in Ultra Thick Seam

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  • 摘要
    为确定华亭煤矿特厚煤层分层综放工作面的合理工艺参数,在综合考虑各分层均衡生产及保证顶煤冒落破碎空间和合理采放比的条件下,通过公式计算确定了分层厚度为13.2 m,机采高度为3.3 m,放煤高度为9.9 m,采放比1∶3;并利用颗粒流数值模拟分析确定了第1分层采用两刀一放,单架两轮顺序放煤的工艺参数;最后通过对工作面的采出率进行统计分析可知,顶煤放出率可达81.45%,工作面采出率达到84.48%。
  • Abstract
    In order to get reasonable technical parameters for the slicing top-coal caving face in ultra thick coal seam of Huating coal mine, through the theoretical calculation with comprehensively considering of the balanced production and the caving broken space of top-coal and the reasonable mining-caving ratio, the paper obt ained the layer thickness was 13.2 m, mining height of fully mechanized mining was 3.3 m, the caving height was 9.9 m, the mining-caving ratio was 1 : 3.The particle fl ow numerical simulation were applied to analysis and determination the technical parameters of caving once with mining twice and two wheel giving-out coal of single s upport of the first layer in order. The authors analyzed the extraction rate of the mining face finally, the top-coal caving-out rate reached to 81.45%, the mining face extra ction rate reached to 84.48%.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra thick coal seam;slicing top-coal caving;technical parameters;extraction rate;

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