• 论文
烟气再循环对350 MW CFB锅炉深调运行特性影响
  • Title

    Influence of flue gas recirculation on deep peak regulationoperation characteristics of 350 MW CFB boiler

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Jiaxing;PENG Jiansheng;LI Fan;HE Jianping;YANG Tianliang;DONG Yongsheng;WANG Shuai

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Yantai Longyuan Power Technology Co.,Ltd.
    School of Energy Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology
    Shenhua Shendong Electric Power Shanxi Hequ Power Generation Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    To solve the problems of fluidization safety and ultra-low NO emission of supercritical CFB boiler under ultra-low load,flue gasrecirculation technology was introduced. Taking a supercritical 350 MW CFB boiler as the research object,a flue gas recirculation auxiliarypeak-shaving system after semi-dry desulfurization was built. Based on the data of field operation,the effects of operating parameters suchas the average bed temperature,separator inlet temperature,exhaust temperature,NO,CO mass concentration of outlet flue gas,combustible content of fly ash and bottom ash,steam-water parameter at 30%-60% load were studied under the flue gas recirculation. The resultsshow that under the coordination of flue gas recirculation,the final emission of NO at 30%-60% load is less than 50 mg/ m after SNCR,the original NO emission is less than 50 mg/ m at 30% load; the bed temperature is reduced by 15-22 ℃ ,the boiler exit flue temperatureincreases 10-13 ℃ ,and the primary and reheat steam temperature is above 558 ℃ . With the decrease of boiler load,the carbon content offly ash and bottom slag increases,and the mass concentration of CO does not increase significantly. The NO is reduced about 15 mg/ mby SNCR arranged at secondary air; the minimum change rate of load rise/ fall is 1.23% Pe; the boiler keeps dry operation above 30%load,the maximum deviation of water wall temperature is 55 ℃ at 30% load,the maximum deviation of overheated and reheated heatingsurfaces is 55 and 47 ℃ respectively,and no over-temperature appears.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    supercritical;circulating fluidized bed;deep peak load regulation;flue gas recirculation;low-NOx combustion;NOx ultra-low emission;boiler operation characteristic

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WANG Jiaxing,PENG Jiansheng,LI Fan,et al.Influence of flue gas recirculation on deep peak regulation operation characteristics of 350 MW CFB boiler[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(9):68-76.
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  • 图表
    • 超临界350 MW机组CFB锅炉示意

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