• 全部
  • Title

    A nanoindentation-based study on the micromechanical properties of red shales

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHOU Lang;MA Zhenqian;HUANG Qingrong;SHUAI Yunlin;ZHANG Jimin;LIU Rongke

  • 单位

    深圳大学 深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室贵州大学 矿业学院

  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance of Deep Underground Engineering, Shenzhen University
    Mining College, Guizhou University
  • 摘要





    结果表明:(1)红页岩中含石英、钠长石、绿泥石和伊利石4种矿物,弹性模量依次为95.62、78.13、53.50、48.91 GPa,石英、钠长石矿物力学性质最好,绿泥石和伊利石最差,表明红页岩非均质性、多相性的材料属性。(2)室内试验表明矿物内部缺陷、微孔隙的存在导致荷载−位移曲线台阶拐点等异常情况,而模拟结果表明矿物颗粒簇尺寸、含量和空间分布特征均会使荷载−位移曲线出现拐点突增等情况,解释了纳米压痕荷载−位移曲线出现异常点的原因。(3)矿物压入后在微裂纹类别、数量、占比及倾向分布的差异较大,表征受载过程矿物劣化程度及微裂纹扩展方向。研究成果有助于预测矿物受荷载作用时的开裂方向,为细观矿物劣化分析提供理论支持,对相似工况下围岩灾害预防提供借鉴。

  • Abstract

    Investigating the micromechanical properties of minerals using nanoindentation tests is of great significance for revealing the microscale mechanisms behind mineral failure.


    Focusing on the primary minerals in the surrounding rocks of red shales in a phosphate deposit, this study conducted qualitative and semi-quantitative analyses of these minerals, including their spatial distributions, using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and targeted nanoindentation tests, determining the micromechanical properties of the minerals. This study developed a discrete numerical calculation model for the microscopic nanoindentation of minerals based on Voronoi tessellation and compared the simulation results with the test results.

    Results and Conclusions

    The results indicate that the red shales contain four minerals, i.e., quartz, albitite, chlorite, and illite, which exhibit elastic modulus of 95.62, 78.13, 53.50, and 48.91 GPa, respectively. Among them, the quartz and albitite minerals exhibit the most favorable mechanical properties, while the chlorite and illite display the worst mechanical properties, indicating that the red shales are heterogeneous and multiphase materials. Laboratory tests indicate that anomalies such as inflection points with a stepped distribution pattern in the load-displacement curves were formed by the presence of internal defects and micropores in minerals. In contrast, the simulation results show that the sharp increase in the inflection point number of the load-displacement curves was caused by the sizes, content, and spatial distributions of mineral particle clusters. The minerals differed greatly in the type, quantity, proportion, and inclination distributions of microcracks after mineral impression. This can be employed to characterize the deterioration degree and microcrack propagation direction of the minerals during loading. The results of this study assist in predicting the cracking directions of minerals under loads, provide theoretical support for the analysis of microscopic mineral degradation, and serve as a reference for the disaster prevention of surrounding rocks under similar operating conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    red shale;micromechanical property;nanoindentation test;Voronoi tessellation;mineral degradation

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 纳米压痕试验原理

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