• 论文
  • Title

    Surface grouting and water plugging technology for inclined shaft in water-rich sandy soil

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Kaixiang;DING Xiang;ZHOU Dangwen;HUANG Haiyu;HUANG Xiaojing;DUAN Dongwei;FENG Jie;PANG Long

  • 单位

    中煤能源研究院有限责任公司中煤冲击地压与水害防治研究中心陕西榆林能源集团 郭家滩矿业有限公司

  • Organization
    China Coal Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd.
    China Coal Rock Burst and Water Hazard Control Center
    Shaanxi Yulin Energy Group Guojiatan Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    为了有效降低富水砂-土地层结构对煤矿斜井井筒造成的不均匀沉降和破坏作用,以榆神矿区西部某矿副斜井井筒涌水治理为例,在充分分析井筒涌水特征和治理条件的基础上,利用井筒周圈砂土地层与裂隙间的可注浆差异性,通过现场注浆试验及施工验证,创新性地采用地面垂直钻孔,在钻孔点位距离单层结构井壁0.6~0.8 m的平面位置和进入井筒底板片石碎石垫层0.2~0.5 m的注浆层位上,利用ϕ108 mm的注浆孔径,以不大于1 MPa的注浆压力和高浓度水泥单液浆(0.7∶1~1∶1)、水泥−水玻璃双液浆(水玻璃体积占比1%~5%),直接对井筒底板片石垫层进行注浆治理,实现了对井筒底板及井壁四周裂隙的高效封堵。经地下水水位恢复检验,原井筒裂缝出水地带已再无明水涌出,治理段井筒的涌水量显著降低,表明该注浆堵水技术在解决我国西北部区域因松散砂土地层不均匀沉降而导致的井筒涌水治理方面具有一定的适用性。

  • Abstract

    In order to effectively reduce the uneven settlement and destructive effect of water-rich sand-soil stratum structure on coal mine inclined shaft, taking the water gushing treatment of an auxiliary inclined shaft in the west of Yushen Mining Area as an example, on the basis of full analysis of wellbore water gushing characteristics and treatment conditions, making use of the grouting difference between sand stratum and cracks in the periphery of wellbore, through on-site grouting test and construction verification, ground vertical drilling is creatively adopted; at the plane position of the drilling point 0.6-0.8 m away from the single-layer structure wall and the grouting level 0.2-0.5 m into the schist and gravel cushion of the wellbore floor, the grouting diameter of ϕ108 mm, the grouting pressure of no more than 1 MPa, the high concentration of single cement slurry (0.7:1-1:1), and the cement-to-water glass double liquid slurry (the volume of water glass accounted for 1% -5%) are used to carry out the directly grouting treatment for schist cushion of the wellbore floor, which effectively seals the cracks around the wellbore floor and the shaft wall. According to the groundwater level recovery test, there is no open water gushing out of the original shaft fracture outlet area, and the water inflow of the shaft in the treatment section is significantly reduced, which indicates that the grouting water plugging technology has certain applicability in the treatment of shaft water gushing caused by the uneven settlement of loose sand strata in the northwest region of China.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Yushen Mining Area;uneven subsidence;inclined shaft cracking;ground grouting;wellbore water gushing control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘凯祥,丁湘,周党文,等. 富水砂土地层中斜井井筒地面注浆堵水技术[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(10):198−206. DOI: 10.13347/j.cnki.mkaq.20231040
  • Citation
    LIU Kaixiang, DING Xiang, ZHOU Dangwen, et al. Surface grouting and water plugging technology for inclined shaft in water-rich sandy soil[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(10): 198−206. DOI: 10.13347/j.cnki.mkaq.20231040
  • 图表
    • 矿井松散地层柱状图

    图(6) / 表(1)


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