• 论文
  • Title

    Optimization analysis of dust field under the comprehensive control of air flow control device and jet air curtain at fully mechanized excavation face

  • 作者


  • Author

    GONG Xiaoyan;WEI Minjie;CHEN Long;FU Haoran;CHANG Huqiang;HE Zilun;ZHANG Hongbing

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 机械工程学院陕煤集团神木柠条塔矿业有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology
    Shaanxi Coal Group Shenmu Ningtiaota Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要

    为解决目前综掘工作面传统混合式通风下粉尘聚集污染严重的问题,提出了利用出风口风流调控装置与抽风口射流风幕综合调控优化粉尘场的思路。以陕北某矿综掘工作面为研究对象,建立了风流-粉尘气固耦合场有限元模型,分析了调控装置口径、调控装置右偏角、风幕出口宽度、风幕出口速度及风幕出口张角等参数对粉尘场的影响;设计了正交试验以确定最佳综合调控方案,设计搭建了实验平台进行综合调控方案准确性和降尘效果验证。结果表明:在该综掘工作面通风系统布局下,当调控装置口径1.2 m,调控装置右偏角9°,风幕出口宽度0.14 m,风幕出口速度7 m/s,风幕出口张角60°时,司机位置粉尘质量浓度和行人呼吸带高度平均粉尘质量浓度分别降低91.7%和74.9%,测试误差均在10%以下,有效改善了通风环境。

  • Abstract

    To solve the problem of serious pollution and dust accumulation under the traditional mixed ventilation of the fully mechanized excavation face, the idea of using the air flow control device of the air outlet and the jet air curtain of the exhaust outlet to optimize the dust field is proposed. Taking the fully mechanized excavation face of a mine in northern Shaanxi as the research object, a finite element model of the airflow-dust gas-solid coupling field was established, and the influence of the diameter and right angle of the air flow control device and the width, speed and opening angle of the air curtain outlet on the dust field was analyzed, and orthogonal experiments were designed to determine the best comprehensive control scheme. The results show that under the ventilation system of the fully mechanized excavation face, when the diameter of the control device is 1.2 m, the right deviation angle of the control device is 9°, the width of the air curtain outlet is 0.14 m, the speed of the air curtain outlet is 7 m/s, and the angle of the air curtain outlet is 60°, the dust mass concentration at the driver’s position and the average dust mass concentration at the height of the pedestrian breathing belt are reduced by 91.7% and 74.9%, respectively, and the test error is less than 10%, effectively improving the ventilation environment.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully mechanized excavation face;air flow control device;jet air curtain;gas-solid coupling;dust field optimization

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    龚晓燕,魏民杰,陈龙,等. 综掘工作面风流调控装置与射流风幕综合调控粉尘场优化分析[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(10):214−220. DOI: 10.13347/j.cnki.mkaq.20231724
  • Citation
    GONG Xiaoyan, WEI Minjie, CHEN Long, et al. Optimization analysis of dust field under the comprehensive control of air flow control device and jet air curtain at fully mechanized excavation face[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(10): 214−220. DOI: 10.13347/j.cnki.mkaq.20231724
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 综合调控通风系统布局

    图(9) / 表(6)


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