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  • Title

    Research status and development direction of 5G key technologies for coal mines

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Chenxin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG China Coal Research Institute
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Coal Mining and Strata Control
    Engineering Research Center for Technology Equipment of Emergency Refuge in Coal Mine
    Beijing Engineering and Research Center of Mine Safe
  • 摘要
    结合现阶段煤矿用5G研究成果和应用实践经验,从煤矿用5G专网组网架构、覆盖优化、智能化应用场景构建3个方面分析了煤矿用5G关键技术研究现状与发展方向。煤矿用5G专网组网方面:煤炭集团级大规模组网和矿井独立专网2类模式可满足煤矿用5G系统建设部署需求。煤矿用5G无线覆盖增强方面:煤矿用5G无线传输性能需要持续研究和提升,现阶段宜采用低频段(1 GHz以下)多载波SUL(补充上行链路)进行煤矿用5G的覆盖优化;针对井下无线电波防爆安全功率阈值可能实现的突破和提高,需要通过同步提升煤矿用5G基站与终端两侧的无线发射功率,方可实现煤矿用5G系统整体覆盖能力优化;需要开展基于6G RIS(可重构智能超表面)的煤矿用5G覆盖增强技术预研,为无线覆盖能力提升提供进一步支撑。煤矿智能化5G应用场景构建方面:需要开展矿用装备与矿用通信领域的联合技术攻关;研究基于煤矿用5G的装备远程控制及未来装备自主群体协同控制的信息物理映射;研究智能化应用的预期功能安全机制;研发小型化、轻量化及全面适配现场设备工业控制协议的煤矿用5G模组。
  • Abstract
    Based on the current research results and practical experience of 5G in coal mines, this paper analyzes the research status and development direction of key technologies for 5G in coal mines from three aspects:5G private network architecture, coverage optimization, and intelligent application scenario construction. In terms of 5G private network networking for coal mines, two types of models, namely large-scale networking at the coal group level and independent private networks for mines, can meet the needs of 5G system construction and deployment for coal mines. In terms of enhancing 5G wireless coverage for coal mines: the wireless transmission performance of 5G for coal mines needs continuous research and improvement. At present, it is advisable to use low-frequency (below 1 GHz) multi carrier SUL (supplementary uplink) for optimizing the coverage of 5G for coal mines. To achieve breakthroughs and improvements in the explosion-proof safety power threshold of underground radio waves, it is necessary to synchronously increase the wireless transmission power on both sides of the 5G base station and terminal used in coal mines. It can optimize the overall coverage capability of the 5G system used in coal mines. Pre research on 5G coverage enhancement technology for coal mines based on 6G RIS (reconfigurable intelligent surface) is needed to provide further support for improving wireless coverage capabilities. In terms of building intelligent 5G application scenarios for coal mines, it is necessary to carry out joint technical research and development in the fields of mining equipment and mining communication. It is suggested to conduct research on the information physical mapping of equipment remote control based on 5G for coal mines and future autonomous group collaborative control of equipment. It is suggested to conduct research the expected functional safety mechanism of intelligent applications. It is suggested to develop 5G modules for coal mines that are small, lightweight, and fully compatible with industrial control protocols for on-site equipment.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    intelligent mine communication;5G for coal mines;5G private network;wireless coverage;intelligent 5G application scenarios;mine radio waves;explosion proof safety;reconfigurable intelligent surface;equipment remote control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李晨鑫. 煤矿用5G关键技术研究现状与发展方向[J]. 工矿自动化,2024,50(7):79-88.
  • Citation
    LI Chenxin. Research status and development direction of 5G key technologies for coal mines[J]. Journal of Mine Automation,2024,50(7):79-88.
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