Experimental Study on the Wind LoadCharacteristics of Changsha Light Tower
ZHONG Zhiheng;LI Shouying
A rigid model pressure measurement wind tunnel test is carried out on a high-rise building withmultiple aerodynamic measures. The modal superposition method is used to calculate the response of the buildingunder wind load. The dynamic response factor and the comprehensive shape coefficient, which is related to themain structure design wind load, and the design wind load of the retaining structure are derived. Results showthat the dynamic response factor educed from the test is larger than the code value, but the structure shape isadvisable, with a maximum comprehensive shape coefficient is 1.04. On the ventilated curtain wall assigned atthe top of the building, there is the ultimate positive peak wind pressure for the design wind load of retainingstructure, while the ultimate negative peak wind pressure occurs in the corner recession area. The accelerationresponse turns out that the vibration of the building is dominated by cross-wind vibration.
high-rise buildings;wind tunnel;wind effects;retaining structure;corner recession;facade opening
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会