男,1978年12月生,河北邯郸人,中国地质大学(北京)教授、博士生导师。教育部首届青年长江学者。获省部级奖励3项,曾发表SCI论文48篇(Google Scholar引用1751次);其中第一/通讯作者在AAPG Bulletin、International Journal of Coal Geology、Fuel等主流国际刊物发表SCI论文23篇、EI论文7篇、专著1部、申请国家发明专利9项(授权7项)、软件著作权1项。
(2) 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,2011年;
(3) 获“中国地质科技奖银锤奖”,2011年
(6) 获中国煤炭工业科学技术一等奖,2016
[1] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Yan TT, Geological and hydrogeological controls on the accumulation of coalbed methane in the Weibei field, southeastern Ordos Basin, International Journal of Coal Geology,2014(1).
[2] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Xie SB, Quantitative characterization of methane adsorption on coal using a low-field NMR relaxation method, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014(9).
[3] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Effects of igneous intrusions on coal petrology, pore-fracture and coalbed methane characteristics in Hongyang, Handan and Huaibei coalfields, North China, International Journal of Coal Geology,, 2012(6).
[4] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Huang WH, Influences of igneous intrusions on coal rank, coal quality and adsorption capacity in Hongyang, Handan and Huaibei coalfields, North China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2011(11).
[5] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Che Y, et al. Non-destructive characterization of coal samples from China using microfocus X-ray computed tomography. International Journal of Coal Geology,2009(11)
[6] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Tang DZ, et al.. Preliminary evaluation of the coalbed methane production potential and its geological controls in the Weibei Coalfield, Southeastern Ordos Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2009(3)
[7] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Tang DZ, et al., 2008. Fractal characterization of adsorption-pores of coals from North China: An investigation on CH4 adsorption capacity of coals. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2008(1)
[8] Teng J., Yao YB*, et al., Evaluation of coal textures distributions in the southern Qinshui basin, North China: investigation by a multiple geophysical logging method, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015(2)
[9] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Che Y, et al., 2010. Petrophysical characterization of coals by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fuel, 2010(7)
[10] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Comparison of low-field NMR and mercury intrusion porosimetry in characterizing pore size distributions of coals, Fuel 2012(5).
[11] Sun XX, Yao YB*,Liu DM, et al. Interactions and exchange of CO2 and H2O in coals: an investigation by low-field NMR relaxation. Scientific Reports, vol. 6, no.19919. doi:10.1038/srep19919, 2016.
[12] Yao YB*, Liu DM, Qiu YK, Variable gas content, saturation, and accumulation characteristics of Weibei coalbedmethane pilot-production field in the southeastern Ordos Basin, China, AAPG Bulletin, 97, 8, 1371–1393, 2013.
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