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  • Title

    Design on Automatic Pressure Balanced Fire Prevention and Control System in Mine

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  • 摘要
    利用流体数值模拟软件,对均压效果进行了模拟分析;根据均压防灭火技术原理、特点与均压区域两端压力变化和漏风量的关系,确定了自动控制均压防灭火系统的调压冗余度。针对手动均压中存在频繁调压、调压滞后与调压精度低等问题,基于CAN总线通信协议,设计了矿井自动控制均压防灭火系统;同时对风窗自动调节系统进行设计;根据漏风压差信号传递的滞后性,采用Smith预估和PID控制调节方法调节漏风风压。以山西某矿为例,均压模拟结果表明:均压前后采空区自燃带宽度由70 m降到20 m,自燃"三带"分布由紊乱状态转变成规律状态。
  • Abstract
    With a fluid numerical simulation software,the pressure balanced effect was simulated and analyzed.According to the principle and features of the pressu re balanced fire prevention and control technology and the relationship between the two end pressure variation and air leakage value of the pressure balance area,the p ressure regulated redundancy of the automatic control pressure balanced fire prevention and control system was determined.According to the frequent pressure regulati on,pressure regulated delay,low pressure regulated accuracy and other problems existed in the manual pressure regulation,based on the CAN bus communication proto col,a mine automatic control pressure balanced fire prevention and control system was designed.A detail design was conducted on the automatic control system of the air regulator.According to the delay of the air leakage pressure difference signal transmission,the Smith prediction with PID control and regulation method was applied t 0 regulate the air leakage and air pressure.Taking a mine in Shanxi as an example,the pressure balanced simulation results showed that before and after the pressure b alanced,the width of the spontaneous combustion zone in the goaf was reduced from 70 m to 20 m and the distribution of the spontaneous combustion "three zones" wa s changed from disorder status to regular status.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pressure balanced fire prevention and control;pressure regulated redundancy;automatic control;automatic control system of air regulator;numerical simul ation;

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