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  • Title

    Design of Monitoring and Control Software and Simulation of Air Pressure Distribution for Automatic Pressure Balance System

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    According to frequent pressure regulation, pressure regulation delay and the pressure regulation low accuracy and other problems existed in the manual pressure balancing, a mine automatic controlled pressure balance fire prevention and control system was designed .According to the site actual conditions, a site certain layout plan of the system was provided.According to the principle and features of the pressure balance fire prevention and control technology, and the relationship betw een the two end pressure variation and the air leakage value in the pressure balance zone, a pressure regulation redundancy of the automatic controlled pressure balan ce fire prevention and control system was determined.Based on the Force Control 6.0 configuration software as the development platform, a monitoring and control soft ware of the automatic controlled pressure balance fire prevention and control system was developed. The network parameters of substation PLC were allocated, the initi alized substation was applied to simulate the input/output module and the controlled program of the automatic adjusted window was prepared and translated.Thus the monitoring and control of the site equipment operation status could be implemented.The fluid numerical simulation software was applied to simulate the air pressure dis tribution variation status of the pressure balance area in the goaf and to analyze the advantages of the pressure balance fire prevention and control method.The resear ch and development of the automatic pressure balance fire prevention and control system would be favorable to the coal mining under the fire zone, the opening of the f ire zone and prevention coal spontaneous combustion in the goaf.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fire prevention and control with pressure balance;coal spontaneou combustion;air pressure diference;air pressure distribution;

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