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  • Title

    Analysis on Fracturing Failure Cause of Coal Bed Methane Well in South Part of Qinshui Basin

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  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Taking the technical parameters of the fracturing operations in the coal bed methane well as the basis and taking the fracturing failures of the 12 coal be d methane wells in south part of Qinshui Basin as an example,the paper analyzed the main control factors of the fracturing failures of the coal bed methane wells in sou th part of Qinshui Basin.The study held that the tabbing leakage of mine shaft head,the stop of the high pressure pump and the mechanics property of the coal seam wo uld be the main control factors of the fracturing failure in the coal bed methane wells of the south part of Qinshi Basin. The stabbing leakage of the mine shaft head was caused by the construction pressure too high and the aging of the mine shaft head.The stop of the high pressure was mainly caused by the sand jammed.There were m utual influences and promotion between the stabbing leakage of the mine shaft head,the stop of the high pressure pump and the sand jammed.The sand jammed would be affected by the construction technology and the geological factors.The coal seams in the study area would have the features of the low elastic modules and high Poi ssonDs ratio.The strata would have high difficult in excavation and the crack would be difficult to be expanded.Before the fracturing construction,the study on the coal s eam features,the selection of the fracturing equipment and the design of the fracturing technology should be well done to reduce the project accident occurred.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal bed methane well;hydraulic fracturing;sand jammed;stabbing leakage;stop of high pressure pump;south part of Qinshui Basin;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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