• 全部
  • Title

    Study on driling/cementing technique affected to production control of coalbed methane vertical well

  • 作者


  • Author

    Liu Shiqi Sang Shuxun Li Mengxi Zhu Qipeng Liu Huihu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Research Institute of Low Carbone Energy.China University of Mining and Technology School of Resources andGeosciences,China university of Mining and Technology Shanxi Coalbed Methane Branch,PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company School of Earth and Environment,Anhui University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    为了优化煤层气井钻井、固井工艺参数,依据沁水盆地南部樊庄区块71口煤层气直井生产数据与钻井、固井资料,探讨了钻井液密度和黏度、固井水泥浆密度和用量、顶替液用量对产能的控制机理。结果表明:煤层气井在钻井液密度小于1.05 g/cm~3、黏度小于30s,固井水泥浆密度小于1.85g/cm~3、用量小于22.5 m~3,顶替液用量小于10.0 m~3时,可获得较高产能;较高的钻井液和固井水泥浆密度、较高的钻井液黏度,以及较大的固井水泥浆与顶替液用量,均易造成煤储层孔、裂隙中固相介质积累,渗透率降低,不利于疏水降压和煤层气产出。综合钻井、固井工艺对煤层气井产能的影响,提出了优化的钻井、固井工艺参数,为钻井、固井工程实施和煤储层保护提供参考。
  • Abstract
    in order to optihmize the coalbed methane well riling and cementing technical parameters according to the production data,friing and cementing information of 71 coalbed methane verical wels in Fanzhuang Block at the south part of Qinshui basin.the paper discussed the density and viscosity of thed ilig liuid .thedensity and amount of the cemert grout for the el cemening and the replacement liquid anounto the control mechanism ofthe producion capacity Theresultshowed that when the densty of the driling liuid was less than 1.05 glcem-3,the viscosity was less than 30 s ,the cement grout densityof the well cementing was less than1.85 gicmn-3,anount of the cement grout for the well cementing was less than 22.5 m -3 and the displacement fuid volme wa less than 10.0 m~-,.the calbed methane well could have a high production.A high density ofthe drllig louid and thecement grout for the wel cemening a high desity of rlng licuid as well as a high volume of cementing cement grout and replacemeant licuid all woud cause the solid media accunulation in the pores and cracks of the coal reservirt, he pemeability redu.ed and would not be favorable to the water discharging pressure drop and coabed metane output.Wwith the inegration with the drlling and cementing techniques ffected to the production capacity of the caled methane wel. he opimized drlling and cementing technical paramerers were provided and could provide the references tothe drilling and cementing engineering implemented and the coal reservoir protection.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    drilling; well cementing; production capacity;coalbed methane well; south of Qinshui Basin;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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