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  • Title

    Study on Performances of Modified Urea Formaldehyde Resin Grout for Surface Pre-Grouting

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  • 摘要
    为改善煤矿井下化学注浆的施工条件,研究了可用于地面预注浆的改性脲醛树脂浆液各组分对浆液凝胶时间的影响及浆液的性能,结果表明温度对凝胶时间影响最大,浆液实际注入的体积偏差对凝胶时间影响最小,草酸用量在0.3%~0.6%时浆液的凝胶时间易于调节控制;改性脲醛树脂浆液黏度低,凝胶时间在10~60 min可以调节控制,可用于煤矿孔隙性地层等地面预注浆。在山东新汶矿业集团赵官煤矿副井孔隙性火成岩注入浆液120 m3,经井筒掘进测量,涌水量几乎为0,注浆效果良好。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the construction conditions of the chemical grouting in the underground mine, the paper had a study on each component affected to t he grout gel time of the modified urea formaldehyde resin grout for the surface pre-grouting and the grout performances.The results showed that the temperature would have high influences to the gel time, the volume error of the grout injected would have a min influence to the gel time and when the oxalic acid dosage was 0.3%0.6%, t he gel time of the grout could be easily adjusted and controlled.The modified urea formaldehyde resin grout would have a low viscosity, the gel time could be adjusted a nd controlled within 1060 min and the modified grout could be applied to the mine porous cracking strata and the surface pre-grouting.The modified grout of 120 m3 was injected into the porous igneous rock in the auxillary shaft of Zhaoguan Mine, Xinwen Mining Group.With the measurements during the mine shaft sinking, the water inr ush almost was zero and the grouting results were excellent.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    surface pre-grouting;chemical grouting;modified urea formaldehyde resin;water inrush;gel;

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