• 论文
  • Title

    Research on Grouting Technology with Abandoned Drilling Mud

  • 作者


  • 单位


  • 摘要
    为了缓解煤矿钻井废弃泥浆排放处理难的问题,研究利用废弃泥浆配制成地面预注浆浆液,通过对研制的泥浆采用降黏改性处理后,浆液的密度及黏度降低;塑性强度缓慢增长,约15 h可以达到50 kPa。淮北矿业集团袁店二矿主井井筒的S孔注浆工程利用钻井泥浆注浆材料7 606m3,经井筒掘进测量,注浆段井筒剩余涌水量仅为3 m3/h,注浆效果达到优良。
  • Abstract
    In order to release the problems of the abandoned drilling mud discharging and treatment, the paper had a study on the preparation of the surface pre-gr outing grout with the abandoned drilling mud.With the sticky reduction and modification treatment of the prepared mud, the density and sticky of the grout would be redu ced.The plasticity strength of the grout would be slowly increased and could be reached to 50 kPa after about 15 h.The grouting project with S boreholes for the mine m ain shaft of Yuandian No.2 Mine, Huaibei Coal Mining Group had consumed the drilling mud grout of 7 606 m3.After the mine shaft excavation and measurement, the re sidual water inrush quantity at the grouting section of the mine shaft was about 3 m3/h and the grouting effect was excellent.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    abandoned dilling mud;grouting application;clay grout;surface pre-grouting;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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