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  • Title

    Study on Construction Technology of Surface Ground Pre-Grouting for Mine Shafts in Northwest China Mining Area

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  • 摘要
    为解决我国西北矿区井筒地面预注浆施工难度大的问题,通过理论分析和现场试验的方法对红二煤矿副井地面预注浆技术进行研究,在井筒开凿前上部表土段采用冻结法施工,下部基岩段采用地面预注浆技术进行堵水,并采用直型钻孔和S型钻孔相结合的施工方法,实现了注浆、冻结、永久井架竖立的"三同时"平行作业。结果表明:岩帽段注浆终压值均大于1.5倍的同层位静水压力值,基岩注浆段各孔各注浆段注浆终压均超过2倍的静水压力值,全井筒平均注入量为53.9 m3/m,注浆总量19 227 m3,超出设计注浆量3 606 m3,压水试验测得井筒注浆段剩余涌水量为2.3 m3/h,施工总工期比设计工期提前58 d,地面预注浆既保证了工程质量,又缩短了施工工期。
  • Abstract
    In order to solve the high dficult construction of the pre-grouting at surface ground for mine shaft in China Northwest mining Area, the theoretical analys is and site test method was applied to the study on the pre-grouting technology at surface ground for a mineauxiliary shaft of HongDer Mine. Before the mine shaft sinki ng, the top overburden soil section was construction with a ground freezing method and as for the low base rock section, a pre-grouting technology at the surface groun d was conducted as the water sealing measure.The vertical boreholes and S type boreholes combined construction method was applied to realize the simultaneous ope rations of the grouting, ground freezing and mine permanent headframe installation.The results showed that the final grouting pressure value at the rock cushion sectio n was 1.5 times higher than the hydrostatic pressure value of the same stratum level, all final grouting pressure value of each grouting borehole at the base rock groutin g section was two times higher than the hydrostatic pressure value, the average grouting value of the mine shaft was 53.9 m3/m and the total grouting quantity was 19 227 m3, which was 3 606 m3 over the designed grouting quantity.The residual water inflow value at the grouting section of the mine shaft was 2.3 m3/h obtained from t he pressurized water test. The total construction period completed was 58 days earlier than the designed construction period.Thus the pre-grouting at the surface groun d could ensure the engineering quality and could reduce the construction period.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pre-grouting at surface ground;clay and cement grout;special mine shaft sinking;grouting pressure;grouting quantity;simultaneous operation;

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