• 论文
  • Title

    Dilling-Grouting Simultaneous Operation Technology in Mine Shaft Construction

  • 作者


  • 单位


  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    To build a large modernized mine would have a mine shaft development mode.A mine shaft dillig method would be applied to the alluvium section of th e mine shaft and the surface pre-grouting method would be applied to the base rock section of the mine shaft. According to the long time problems of the traditional con struction sequences, with the study on "the study and demo project of the key technology for the drilling and grouting simultaneous operation" in the 11th Five Years Nat ional Science and Technology Support Program, the design principle of the time and space relationship between the drilling and grouting was set up and the high accur acy inclinometer while drilling, the monitoring and measuring of the drilling mud affected by the grouting liquid and other key technology were solved.It was first at home and abroad that the grouting method and mine shaft drilling method were conducted with a simultaneous operation at the certain time and space.The mine shaft constru ction period could be reduced by 20%30%.The paper in detail stated the features of the drilling and grouting simultaneous operation, the implementation mode, design principle and support technology.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    alluvium;base rock section;mine shaft dilling method;surface pre-grouting;diing and grouting simultaneous operation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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