• 全部
  • Title

    Influence of microwave swelling with cavitated creosote oil on the direct liquefaction performance of Xigou coal from Xinjiang and its dynamics analysis

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Yaya1,2 ,MA Fengyun1,2 ,HE Fang1,2 ,SUN Zhiqiang1,2 ,MO Wenlong1,2 ,ZHANG Xiaojing3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Key Laboratory of Coal Clean Conversion & Chemical Engineering Process (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region),Urumqi  830046,China; 2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xinjiang University,Urumqi  830046,China; 3. Coal Chemical Industry Institute of Science and Technology Co. ,Ltd. Branch,Beijing  100013,China
  • 摘要
    以空化洗油为溶胀剂,优化新疆西沟煤微波溶胀条件,考察微波溶胀对煤样直接液化性能的影响及其动力学分析。在微波时间55 min、功率600 W和温度344 K条件下,煤样溶胀度达到1.625,且发现其微波溶胀是一个膨胀-微爆-碎裂-再膨胀-再微爆的过程。热解动力学研究表明,与原煤样相比,在623773 K中温段,煤样经微波溶胀后活化能从99.95 k J/mol减小至89.51 kJ/mol,相对降低了10.45%。液化动力学研究表明,经微波溶胀后,煤样的转化速率常数从0.019 39 s-1增加到0.050 08 s-1,相对提高了158%。与原煤样相比,微波溶胀煤样从煤和前沥青烯转化为油的速率常数分别相对提高了170%和258%,且增加了沥青烯生成油的反应途径,其速率常数为0.039 33 s-1。因此,微波溶胀不仅降低了煤样热解中温段的活化能,而且改善了煤样直接液化效果。
  • Abstract
    With cavitated creosote oil as swelling solvent,the effect of microwave time,power and temperature on the swelling degree of Xigou coal from Xinjiang was studied,and the influence of microwave swelling with the solvent on the direct liquefaction performance of the coal sample and its dynamics analysis was investigated. The swelling degree of the sample was 1. 625 at 55 min,600 W and 344 K. And it was indicated that the process of microwave swelling was a continuous process of expansion-micro-explosion-particles-re-expansion-re-micro-explosion. The estimated pyrolysis kinetic analysis showed that the activation energy of the microwave swelling coal was reduced from 99. 95 kJ / mol to 89. 51 kJ / mol at 623-773 K,and relatively decreased 10. 45% . The results also showed that the conversion rate constant of microwave swelling coal sample increased from 0. 019 39 s-1 to 0. 050 08 s-1 with an increasing rate of 158%relatively. And the rate constants,comparing to raw coal,from coal and pre-asphaltene to oil were increased relatively 170% and 258% respectively. And there was added a new reaction way for microwave swelling coal sample-asphaltene to oil,with the rate constant of 0. 039 33 s-1 . Therefore,the microwave swelling not only reduces the activation energy of the pyrolysis temperature of the coal sample,but also improves the performance of its direct liquefaction.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Xigou coal;microwave swelling;liquefaction;pyrolysis;dynamics

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    MA Yaya,MA Fengyun,HE Fang,et al. Influence of microwave swelling with cavitated creosote oil on the direct liquefaction performance of Xigou coal from Xinjiang and its dynamics analysis[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2017,42 (10):2733 -2741.
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