• 全部
  • Title

    Effect of coated Fe2O3 nanocatalysts on direct liquefaction of lower-rank coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHOU Xiaodong1 ,MA Fengyun1 ,LIU Jingmei1 ,ZHONG Mei1 ,MO Wenlong1 ,LI Yizhao1 ,SUN Zhiqiang2 ,LI Xian1,3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Key Laboratory of Coal Clean Conversion & Chemical Engineering Process,Xinjiang University,Urumqi  830046,China; 2. Department of Chemical Engi-neering,Hami Vocational and Technical College,Hami  839000,China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion,,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan  430074,China
  • 摘要

    采用两相-水热合成法,制备了油酸包覆型Fe2O3(OA@Fe2O3)和油胺包覆型Fe2O3(OLA@Fe2O3)催化剂试样。TEM,TGA,XRD和IR等分析表征表明,其粒径分别约为5 nm和3 nm,Fe2O3含量为53. 40%和66. 62%(wt.%),无机部分和有机部分形成核-壳结构。以商用Fe2O3为参比,通过新疆淖毛湖煤样高压加氢液化实验,考察了油酸钠和油胺作为包覆剂对Fe2O3催化性能的影响。结果表明,不仅两试样的煤样转化率均超过96%,液化率分别提高了8. 64%和8. 34%,气产率分别降低了5. 78%和6. 34%,催化液化性能相差无几;而且OLA@Fe2O3试样的沥青烯和前沥青烯残碳率低于商用Fe2O3的,而OA@Fe2O3试样则高于商用Fe2O3的,表明前者对沥青质的轻质化作用强。故作为包覆剂,价格相对低廉的油胺可以替代油酸钠。

  • Abstract

    Two kinds of catalysts coated by oleic acid (OA@ Fe2 O3 ) and oleylamine ( OLA@ Fe2 O3 ) were prepared by two-phase hydrothermal synthesis. The coated nanocatalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM),thermogravimetric analysis ( TGA), X-ray diffraction ( XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). The results showed that the particle size of two samples was about 5 nm and 3 nm. The fraction of Fe2 O3 reached 53. 40% and 66. 62% respectively. Under the same Direct Coal Liquefaction (DCL) conditions,contrasted to commercial Fe2 O3 ,the prepared catalysts were used in the DCL of Nao Mao Lake coal samples. When the coated Fe2 O3 were used as catalysts,not only the conversion rate exceeded 96% ,the liquefaction rates increased by 8. 64%and 8. 34% respectively,and the gas production rate was reduced by 5. 78% and 6. 34% respectively. Also,the resid-ual carbon rate of preasphaltenes and asphaltenes (PAA) for OLA@ Fe2 O3 was less than commercial Fe2 O3 ,and OA @ Fe2 O3 was higher than commercial Fe2 O3 . It indicates that the process of PAA to oil can be promoted by OLA@Fe2 O3 catalyst. Therefore,relatively cheap oleylamine can replace oleic acid to prepare coated Fe2 O3 completely.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    lower-rank coal;direct coal liquefaction;nanocatalysts;coated Fe2 O3 ;two-phase hydrothermal synthesis

  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHOU Xiaodong,MA Fengyun,LIU Jingmei,et al. Effect of coated Fe2 O3 nanocatalysts on direct liquefaction of lower-rank coal[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(10):2895-2902.
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