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  • Title

    Study on high efficient and rapid construction technology of drilling and blastingmethod in bedrock section of large section inclined shaft

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Zhaoran,GUO Yixian,JIAO Weigang, TONG Wenjing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.School of Civil Engineering, North China University of Technology, Beijing , China;2.BGI Engineering Consultants Limited, Beijing , China
  • 摘要
    为了研究斜井掘进中各环节对斜井掘进速度的影响,以大断面斜井为工程背景,利用鱼骨图分析制约其掘进速度影响因素,首先优化爆破参数,掏槽优化为楔直复合掏槽结构,单循环进尺由1.9 m提高到2.1 m,提高幅度为11%;其次将支护工艺优化为二次支护工艺,配合选用凿岩台车+履带式装载机+防爆无轨胶轮车的全机械化作业线,凿岩、支护、排矸3大工序耗时平均减少36%;并将劳动组织形式由三八制改为四六制。研究结果表明:采取以上措施后,日进尺平均达到8.5 m,月进尺达到240 m,指标提高幅度分别为50%和71%,技术经济效益显著。
  • Abstract
    In order to study each link affected to the mine incline shaft sinking speed in the mine incline shaft sinking period, based on the large cross section shaft as the engineering background, a fish-bone diagram was applied to analyze and restrict the factors of shaft sinking speed. The blasting parameter was firstly optimized and the cut was optimized to be a wedge straight complex cut structure. Thus single cycle footage was increased from 1.9 m to 2.1 m and was increased by 11%. Secondly the support technique was optimized to be a twice support technique. With an application of a full mechanized operation line with a rock drilling rig + crawler loader + flameproof trackless rubber-tyred vehicle, a time consumption of the rock drilling, support and waste rock removing was reduced by 36% in average. Finally,the labor organization was changed from a three eight-hour system to a four six-hour system. The study results showed that with the above measures conducted, a daily footage was reached to 8.5 m in average, a month footage was reached to 240 m and the index was highly increased by 50% and 71% individually. The technical and economic benefits were obvious.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine inclined shaft construction; bedrock section; drilling and blasting method; mine shaft sinking speed

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