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  • Title

    Influencing factor analysis on drilling and blasting method for rock roadway driving speed in Huainan mine area

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Zhaoran,SONG Jiaojiao

  • 单位

    北方工业大学 土木工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 力学与建筑工程学院

  • Organization
    1.School of Civil Engineering,North China University of Technology,Beijing ,China;2.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing ,China
  • 摘要

    针对淮南矿区岩巷掘进速度偏低问题,基于系统理论和解析结构模型对岩巷掘进速度影响因子展开研究。建立了钻爆法掘进三级影响因子指标体系(一级8个,二级39个、三级72个),得到了系统内部的影响因子的系统分析关系图和递阶因子链,利用解析结构模型对淮南岩巷钻爆法掘进速度影响因子进行分析,发现影响因子可分为表层、中层和深层3个层级,其中爆破技术、支护技术、凿岩机具、管理制度健全与执行4个方面对掘进速度影响最显著,范围最广。应用效果表明,采取针对性措施后,淮南矿区岩巷掘进速度显著提高,岩巷钻爆法掘进速度最高达到270 m/月,说明应用解析结构模型的因子分析结果可为提高岩巷掘进速度提供指导。

  • Abstract
    Based on the problem of solving the low speed of rock tunneling in Huainan mining area, and according to the system theory and analytical structure model, the influence factors of rock tunneling speed were studied. The three-level impact factor index system of drilling and blasting method was established (8 in the first level, 39 in the second level and 72 in the third level). The system analysis relation diagram and the hierarchical factor chain of influencing factors were established, and the influence factor was also analyzed. It was found that the influence factors of drilling speed were different from each other and can be divided into three levels: surface, middle and deep, among which blasting technology, support technology, rock drilling equipment, sound and executive management system have the most significant impact on the speed of tunneling and cover the widest range. The results indicate that after applying the targeted measures, the rock tunneling speed in the Huainan mining area was significantly improved, and the drilling speed of the rock tunnel was up to 270 m/month, which means that the factor analysis result of the applied analytical model can provide significant guidance for the speed of rock tunneling.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Huainan mining area;rock roadway;drilling and blasting;developing speed;influence factor;interpretative structural modeling

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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