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  • Title

    Study on coke quenching wastewater treatment with Fenton Oxidation Method

  • 作者


  • Author

    DU Song,JIN Wenbiao,HAO JiFeng,DONG Weiguo,WANG Yaqiang,DUAN Feng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.Shenzhen Graduate School,Harbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen ,China;2.Coal Chemistry Research Institute,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing ,China
  • 摘要
    为考察熄焦前后熄焦水中污染物的变化规律,以及芬顿(Fenton)氧化法对熄焦水的处理效果和对焦炭质量的影响,基于熄焦水的水质特征,研究了熄焦前后水中化学需氧量(CODCr)、悬浮物(SS)浓度的变化规律,并探讨了芬顿氧化法的处理效果和水中SO42-、Na+、Fe2+浓度的变化。结果表明:熄焦后水中CODCr和SS浓度均增加,CODCr、SS的平均增量分别为47.6、32.6 mg/L;在投加量为1%氧化剂,水力停留时间为1 h时的最佳反应条件下,熄焦水CODCr去除率达到55.55%70.02%。芬顿氧化法处理熄焦水会导致出水中的Na+和SO42-浓度增加,Fe2+浓度降低;Na+具有一定的累积效应,因此采用芬顿氧化法处理熄焦水时应注意控制Na+的累积量。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the variation of pollutants in coke quenching water before and after coke quenching,the treatment effect and the impact on coke quality when using Fenton Oxidation Method to treat quenching water,this paper analyzed the water quality characteristics of coke quenching water,investigated the changes of CODCr and SS concentration in water before and after quenching,and discussed the effects of Fenton oxidation treatment and the changes of width=61,height=17,dpi=110 and Fe2+ concentrations in water.The results show that the concentrations of CODCr and SS increase after quenching,the average increasement of CODCr and SS are 47.6 mg/L and 32.6 mg/L respectively.Under the optimal reaction conditions when the dosage of 1% oxidant and hydraulic retention time with 1 h,CODCr removal rate reaches 55.55%~70.02%.It is found that the treatment of coke quenching water by Fenton oxidation will lead to the increasement of Na+and width=29,height=17,dpi=110 concentration and the decrease of Fe2+ concentration in effluent.When Fenton Oxidation Method is used to treat coke quenching water,Na+ concentration had a certain cumulative effect.Therefore,Na+ accumulation amount should pay attention to control.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coke quenching wastewater;Fenton Oxidation Method;wastewater treatment;coke quality

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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