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  • Title

    Study on deformation features of in-pit dumping site in Yuanbaoshan Surface Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Sanchuan,WANG Chenguang,BAI Runcai,CAO Bo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.School of Mine,Liaoning Technical University,Fuxin ,China;2.Yuanbaoshan Surface Mine,Inner Mongolia Pingzhuang Coal Group Ltd.,Chifeng ,China
  • 摘要
    为了研究元宝山露天煤矿内排土场变形特性,以控制和计算散体土体变形量为主要目的,通过流变试验确定数值计算参数,采用Burgers蠕变模型对排土场填土过程及填土完成后的沉降规律进行分析,并在垂直方向对排土场进行分层处理,随着填筑高度的增高,每一分层在上覆动态载荷作用下均发生沉降,通过建立适合排土场的Burgers蠕变模型,分析填土过程的沉降、位移和工后沉降规律。计算结果表明:碾压区最大工后沉降量为30.7 cm,水平位移量为27.3 cm,2020年底开展河道施工,能够满足河道变形要求;非碾压区最大工后沉降量为2.74 m,水平位移量为2.12 m,内排土场排土完成2.5年后,土体的变形沉降基本完成。
  • Abstract
    In order to study the deformation features of the in-pit dumping site of Yuanbaoshan Surface Mine,based on the control and calculation on the deformation of the bulky soil as the main object,a rheological test was applied to determine the numerical calculation parameters and the Burgers creep model was applied to the analysis on a settlement law of the dumping site in the backfill process and after the backfill completed.And in the vertical direction,a slicing treatment was conducted on the in-pit dumping site.With the dumping height increased,under the dynamic load role of the top overburden,each slicing all would have settlements occurred.With the establishment of the Burgers creep model suitable to the in-pit dumping site,the settlement,displacement and late settlement law in the filling process were analyzed.The calculation results showed that in the rolling area,a max late settlement was 30.7 cm and the horizontal displacement was 27.3 cm.At the year end of 2020,a river channel would be constructed and would meet the deformation requirement of the river.At the non rolling area,the max late settlement was 2.74 m and the horizontal displacement was 2.12 m.The dumping operation of the in-pit dumping site would be completed after 2.5 years and the soil deformation and settlement would be basically completed.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    surface mine;in-pit dumping site;rolling area;Burgers Model 收稿日期:2017-11-13;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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