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  • Title

    Parameter control method of working slope passing fault in open-pit coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Guangwei;HUANG Yunlong;CAO Bo;WANG Liang;ZHAO Meiling

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 矿业学院锡林郭勒盟蒙东矿业有限责任公司

  • Organization
    Institute of Mining Technology, Liaoning Technical University
    Xilingol Mengdong Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    大型露天煤矿在开采境界内常会遇到发育范围、发育程度不同的断层构造。为了对露天煤矿工作帮过断层相关参数进行优化确定,分析了采剥工作线与断层走向相对位置不同时工作帮过断层方式及工作线长度变化情况,确定了断层影响区域煤炭资源回收原则,阐述了工作线与断层走向相交时工作帮推进过程中生产剥采比变化的影响因素。依据露天开采基本原理,建立了工作帮相交断层走向布置工程模型,论述了工作线的组成并给出工作线长度计算方法。构建了以工作线布置方向、工作帮推进方向为轴的三维空间直角坐标系,计算了各工程模型的断面剥离量和原煤量,确定了采煤工作线长度、工作线与断层走向夹角、工作帮推进距离和生产剥采比之间的函数关系。采用控制变量手段分析生产剥采比变化规律,结果显示:采剥工作线与断层走向正交时初始生产剥采比与断层下降盘工作线长度呈正相关关系;工作帮斜交断层走向推进时,初始生产剥采比与断层上升盘工作线长度、工作线与断层走向夹角呈负相关关系,且工作线与断层走向夹角越小,生产剥采比变化越剧烈。给出了露天煤矿工作帮过断层参数优化原则,提出了利用计算机程序循环判断确定参数的方法。以胜利西二号煤矿为工程背景,将上述优化原则及确定方法进行应用研究。结果表明:工作线与断层走向夹角 70°,初始下盘采煤工作线长度为 1 700 m 时,工作帮在 F13 断层区域推进过程中生产剥采比小于经济合理剥采比,工作线长度始终满足设备作业、走行、调配所需的最小工作线长度要求,且东帮扩帮工程量最小。
  • Abstract
    Large open-pit coal mines often encounter fault structures with different development scope and degree within the miningboundary. In order to optimize and determine the relevant parameters of the working slope passing through the fault in the open-pit coalmine, the change of the working slope passing through the fault mode and the length of the working line when the relative positionbetween the working line and the fault strike is different is analyzed, the principle of coal resource recovery in the fault affected area is determined, and the influencing factors of the production stripping ratio change in the process of working slope advancing when the workingline intersects the fault strike are expounded. According to the basic principle of open-pit mining, the engineering model of the strike arrangement of the intersecting faults of the working slope is established, the composition of the working line is discussed, and the calculation method of the working line length is given. The three-dimensional space rectangular coordinate system with the working line layoutdirection and the working side advancing direction as the axis is constructed, the section stripping volume and raw coal volume of each engineering model are calculated, and the functional relationship between the working line length, the angle between the working line and thefault strike, the working side advancing distance and the production stripping ratio is determined. The change rule of production strippingratio is analyzed by means of control variables. The results show that the initial production stripping ratio is positively related to the lengthof the fault descending wall working line when the stripping working line is orthogonal to the fault strike; When the strike of the obliquefault of the working wall is advancing, the initial production stripping ratio is negatively related to the length of the working line of thefault riser and the angle between the working line and the fault strike. The smaller the angle between the working line and the fault strike,the more intense the change of the production stripping ratio. This paper presents the optimization principle of the parameters of the working slope passing through the fault in the open-pit coal mine, and puts forward the method of determining the parameters by using the computer program to judge circularly. Taking Shengli West No. 2 Coal Mine as the engineering background, the above optimization principlesand determination methods are applied and studied. The results show that when the angle between the working line and the fault strike is70 ° and the length of the initial footwall mining working line is 1 700 m, the production stripping ratio of the working side is less than theeconomic and reasonable stripping ratio in the process of advancing in the F13 fault area, the length of the working line always meets theminimum working line length requirements for equipment operation, running and deployment, and the east side slope expansion is theminimum.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    open-pit coal mine; faults; working slope; working line length; production stripping ratio

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘光伟, 黄云龙, 曹博, 等. 露天煤矿工作帮过断层参数控制方法[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2023, 51(4): 56-65.
  • Citation
    LIU Guangwei, HUANG Yunlong, CAO Bo. Parameter control method of working slope passing fault in open-pit coal mine[J]. CoalScience and Technology, 2023, 51(4): 56-65.
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