Investigation of hydraulic system simulation and fluid feeding technology with steady pressure of working face supports
FU Xiang,WANG Ranfeng,ZHAO Yangsheng
In order to improve the following performance of working face supports after the shearer,taking the hydraulic fluid feeding characteristic of different actions during support operation as the starting research point,a mathematical simulation model for support hydraulic system has been built employing AMESim based on the hydraulic principle of face supports. By simulating the hydraulic fluid feeding during support action,the functional rule of the supply fluid flow-rate on the support action speed and the process pressure have been analyzed and summarized,and the concept of fluid feeding with steady pressure for adapting supports actions is proposed. Furthermore,by theoretically analyzing the characteristics of fluid feeding with steady pressure,a mathematical formula of its supply flow-rate for adapting support actions is derived. The formula shows that this flow rate is mainly determined by the type of support action,the advance distance for each support action,the number of support actions and the pressure setting of the unloading valve in the same support hydraulic system. At last,fluid feeding technology with steady pressure has been validated in the simula- tion model. By contrasting the result of setting feeding scheme with that of steady pressure feeding scheme during the hydraulic support operation,the results show that the fluid feeding technology with steady pressure not only ensures the quick implemention of the support action,but also reduces the system pressure fluctuation and mitigates the pressure impact of the support hydraulic system.
hydraulic support;fluid feeding with steady pressure;hydraulic supply fluid flow-rate;pressure character- istics
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会