• 全部
  • Title

    Intelligent decision-making model on the of hydraulic supports group advancing behavior to follow shearer

  • 作者


  • Author

    FU Xiang,WANG Ranfeng,ZHAO Yangsheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan  030024,China
  • 摘要







  • Abstract

    The self-organizing cooperative control of hydraulic support supported by intelligent decision model is one of the key technologies of intelligent mining,and the global optimal planning of supports group advancing behavior is the core principle of intelligent decision model. The principle of Bilevel Programming is put forward for the sequence of ac- tion types and the regulation of action speed of the hydraulic supports advancing. The intelligent decision-making mod- el on the support group advancing behavior to follow shearer is designed to realize the dynamic decision-making of the global optimal control sequence of the cooperation between the fluid feeding and the supports acting. Based on the spa- tial characteristics of the multi types and single degree of freedom of the hydraulic support and according to the time element relation constraint theorem of the Temporal World Model,a sequential planning method for the following action of hydraulic support group is proposed and a dynamic se-quence model for the following action to meet the following process and space constraints is designed to improve the sequence of different types of the support actions and the time logic between them. Based on the principle of fluid feeding with steady pressure when support acting,the mathematical mapping model of fluid feeding flow and execution time of supports combined action is constructed and the fuzzy iden- tification model of pressure state is constructed,which realize the prediction of support combined action speed and the evaluation of pressure stability. The correctness and feasibility of the decision-making model are verified by the simula- tion and experiment. The conclusion is that the decision-making model can automatically generate the appropriate sup- ports following and fluid feeding collaborative control strategy according to the speed of shearer,which improves the support group adaptive following ability and stabilizes the pressure process state of hydraulic system to a certain ex- tent. This research has established the intelligent decision-making mechanism and framework of support group behavior for adaptive mining conditions,which provides the key decision support for the hydraulic supports self-organizing col- laborative control technology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    hydraulic support;fluid feeding system;fluid feeding with steady pressure;intelligent decision-making;op- timal planning

  • DOI
  • Citation
    FU Xiang,WANG Ranfeng,ZHAO Yangsheng. Intelligent decision-making model on the of hydraulic supports group advancing behavior to follow shearer[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(6):2065 -2077.
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  • 图表
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