• 全部
  • Title

    Discussion on potential joint mining of coal measures gases resources in Ordos area,Inner Mongolia

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAN Yunyan1 ,ZHANG Kailiang1 ,YAO Haipeng2

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Inner Mongolia Geological Prospecting Fund Management Center,Hohhot  010020,China; 2. Luneng Unconventional Natural Gas Exploration and Exploi-tation Co. Ltd. ,Inner Mongolia Mining Industry(Group),Hohhot  010010,China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    In order to make full use of coal mineral resources rationally,and provide the government departments with a decision basis for coal-gas resources comingled exploration and exploitation in Ordos area of Inner Mongolia,based on the geological data collected from coal exploration and coalbed methane exploitation in Ordos area,this study ana- lyzed the geological background,structural characteristics and gas resources potential of the Ordos area by means of ge- ology survey,sample analysis and comprehensive research. Thus this paper expounds that coal seam gas resources in Ordos area have great potential. It has a unique combination mode of multilayer systems,composite,sources closely linked,mutual stacking,and good storage cover,and has the resource condition for the combined exploration and ex- ploitation. Also,the study has studied the advantages and disadvantages in Ordos area of Inner Mongolia,and put for- ward the suggestions and measures of the combined exploration and exploitation of coal seam gas.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Ordos;coal measure gas;potential;co-mining

  • DOI
  • Citation
    GAN Yunyan,ZHANG Kailiang,YAO Haipeng. Discussion on potential joint mining of coal measures gases resources in Ordos area,Inner Mongolia[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2018,43(6):1661-1668.
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