Characterization of coal pyrolysis with different coal-bed thickness in quartz tube by simulating fixed-bed reactor with internals
HU Erfeng1 ,ZHAO Lixin1 ,WU Juan2 ,MENG Haibo1 ,YAO Zonglu1 ,CONG Hongbin1 ,ZHAO Zehua2
内构件固定床热解反应器通过强化传热和调节热解产物由高温区向低温区流动并优化热解产物二次反应与反应器内流场、温度场的匹配关系,提高了热解油气收率和品质。采用石英管定向强化流场模拟内构件固定床反应器,考察不同厚度煤层热解特性。试验结果表明,随着煤层厚度的增加,热解焦油收率降低,焦油中轻质组分含量(沸点低于360℃)明显升高。当温度为800℃,煤层厚度从100 mm增加到200 mm时,焦油产率从6. 96%下降到4. 50%,下降幅度达35. 30%;焦油中轻焦油组分含量从62. 50%上升至76. 80%,增加幅度达22. 90%;热解水和煤气产率分别由9. 32%和9. 60%增至10. 70%和10. 90%,半焦产率略微降低。其中汽油馏分从3. 80%增加到20. 30%,煤油馏分从18. 50%增加到40. 00%。
Heat transfer was enhanced and the flow path of pyrolysis products were changed in fixed-bed reactor with internals for improving the yield and quality of tar and pyrolysis gas. In this paper,the effects of coal bed thickness on the pyrolysis behavior were studied in a quartz tube bed reactor by simulating fixed-bed internals reactor. The results showed that the yield of pyrolysis tar decreased while the corresponding light tar below the boiling points of 360 ℃ in- creased as the thickness increased. With an increase in coal bed thickness from 100 mm to 200 mm,the tar yield de- creased by 35. 30% ,from 6. 96% to 4. 50% but the light fraction of tar increased by 22. 90% ,from 62. 50% to 76. 80% . The yields of water and gas rose from 9. 32% and 9. 60% to 10. 70% and 10. 90% respectively,while the char yield decreased slightly. In addition,the gasoline fraction yield rose from 3. 80% to 20. 30% and the kerosene fraction yield increased from 18. 50% to 40. 00% .
coal pyrolysis;thickness;directional enhancement;reaction regulation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会