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  • Title

    Research review of the state key research development program of China:Deep rock mechanics and mining theory

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Heping1,2,3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Institute of Deep Earth Science and Green Energy,Shenzhen University,Shenzhen  518060,China; 2. Institute of Clean Energy,Shenzhen  518060,China; 3. Sichuan University,Chengdu  610065,China
  • 摘要

    随着地球浅部矿物资源逐渐枯竭,深部矿产资源开采已然趋于常态。然而,由于深部岩体典型的“三高”赋存环境的本真属性及资源开采“强扰动”“强时效”的附加属性,导致深部高能级、大体量的工程灾害频发,机理不清,难以预测和有效控制,传统岩石力学和开采理论在深部适用性方面存在争议。国家“十三五”重点研发计划“深部岩体力学与开采理论”针对上述难题进行了系统研究,本文详细总结了项目研究进展,包括:① 初步形成了原位保真取芯、保真移位、保真测试的技术体系并开展不同深度原位恢复物理力学试验;② 系统探索了扰动条件下不同赋存深度岩体原位长期力学行为,构建了不同赋存应力环境的岩石动态本构模型;③ 提出了适用于复杂地质条件下深部非线性岩体平均应力与变形模量的关系式,开发了批数据处理网络(GMDH)算法反演深部地应力场,系统研究了岩石破坏过程中的能量积聚,能量耗散特性;④ 提出了“强扰动”和“强时效”特征的判定依据,探索了深部开采强扰动应力路径下煤体损伤规律及非连续支承压力理论,研究了深部开采强扰动煤体损伤破裂、能量演化及渗透特性;⑤ 建立了岩体介质复杂孔隙结构的三维可视化模型,实现了裂纹动态扩展过程中应力场的可视化,研发了可视化物理模型的三维应力场的冻结实验装置;⑥ 开展了深部硬岩矩形隧洞围岩板裂破坏的试验模拟,提出了深部近采场区域应力平稳释放理论与方法,研发并应用了深部硬岩高应力诱导与爆破耦合的破岩方法与技术;⑦ 概括了深部硬岩强卸荷下3种灾害模式的破裂孕育分异演化机制,提出了基于物质点原理描述岩体连续-非连续计算分析新方法,创新了硐室稳定的裂化-抑制支护方法;⑧ 分析了深部煤炭安全绿色开采的主要影响因素,初步构建了“高保低损”型深部煤炭安全绿色开采新模式;⑨ 建立了深部地下开采空间模型及生产计划动态优化模型,提出了深部掘进工作面卸荷技术、深部高应力矿柱一体化卸压控制对策以及深部卸压帷幕应力隔断技术。基于以上内容,初步构建了深部岩体力学与开采理论研究体系,以期为未来中国深部矿产资源开发提供理论基础与技术支撑。

  • Abstract

    With the gradual depletion of mineral resources in the shallow earth,the exploitation of deep mineral re- sources has become normal. However,due to the true nature of the typical “three highs” occurrence environment of the deep rock mass and the additional attributes of “strong disturbance” and “ strong aging” of resource exploitation,the large-scale engineering disasters with deep high-energy frequently occur,and the mechanism is unclear. It is difficult to effectively predict and control those engineering disasters. The traditional rock mechanics and mining theory are contro- versial in terms of deep mining applicability. In this paper,the research developments of the project called Deep Rock Mechanics and Mining Theory within the framework of the State Key Research and Development Project are reviewed, including ① The technical system of in-situ coring,transportation and testing with in-situ physical state has been pre- liminarily formed,and the in-situ restoring rock mechanics tests at different depths have been carried out. ② The long- term in-situ mechanical behavior of rock mass with different depths under disturbance is systematically explored,and the dynamic constitutive models of rock under various stress environments are constructed. ③ The relationship between average stress and deformation modulus of deep non-linear rock mass under complex geological conditions is proposed, and the batch data processing network (GMDH) algorithm is developed to inverse the deep geostress field. The energy accumulation and dissipation characteristics in the process of rock failure are systematically studied. ④ The criteria for assessing the characteristics of “ strong disturbance” and “ strong timeliness” are put forward. The damage evolution and discontinuous abutment pressure theory of coal under the path of strong disturbance stress in deep mining are ex- plored. The damage and fracture,energy evolution and permeability characteristics of coal under strong disturbance in deep mining are studied. ⑤ The three-dimensional visualization model of complex pore structure in rock mass is estab- lished,and the visualization of stress field in the process of dynamic crack propagation is realized. The freezing experi- mental device of the three-dimensional stress field of the visualized physical model is developed. ⑥ The experimental simulation of slab crack failure in the surrounding rock of deep hard rock rectangular tunnel is carried out,and the the- ory of stably releasing stress in deep near stope area are put forward. The method and technology of fine rock breaking coupled with high stress and blasting in deep hard rock are developed and applied. ⑦ The evolution mechanism of fracture initiation and differentiation of three disaster modes under a strong unloading of deep hard rock is summa- rized,and a new method of continuous-discontinuous calculation based on material point principle is proposed,which innovates the method of cracking-restraint support for chamber stability. ⑧ The main influencing factors of safe green mining of deep coal are analyzed,and a new safe green mining mode of “high protection and low loss” is preliminarily constructed. ⑨ The spatial model of deep mining and the dy-namic optimization model of production plan are estab- lished. The unloading technology of deep excavation face,the integrated pressure relief control strategy of deep high stress pillar and the stress isolation technology of deep pressure relief curtain are put forward. Based on those contents, a theoretical research system for deep rock me-chanics and mining theory was initially constructed,which will provide theoretical basis and technical support for the development of deep mineral resources in China in the future.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep mining;rock mechanics;in-situ rock mechanics;visualization;multi-phases and multi-fields

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    XIE Heping. Research review of the state key research development program of China:Deep rock mechanics and min- ing theory[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(5):1283-1305.
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