In-situ disturbed mechanical behavior of deep coal rock
GAO Mingzhong ,WANG Mingyao ,XIE Jing ,GAO Yanan ,DENG Guangdi , YANG Bengao ,WANG Fei ,HAO Haichun ,XIE Heping
深圳大学 广东省深地科学与地热能开发利用重点实验室深圳大学 深地科学与绿色能源研究院深圳大学 深圳市深部工程科学与绿色能源重点实验室深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院四川大学 水力学与山区河流开发保护国家重点实验室四川大学 水利水电学院中国矿业大学 深部资源流态化开采前沿科学研究中心
深部开采是我国矿产资源获取的主要途径,然而目前深部资源的开发现状是工程领先倒逼理论创新,时效性差,灾害频发。系统探索深部岩体原位力学行为已经成为了深部矿产资源高效开采亟待攻关的基础科学问题。以深部煤炭开采为工程背景,通过现场井下实测捕捉深部岩体所经历的应力路径,进而考虑扰动应力路径、深度原位赋存环境等因素,开展深部煤岩原位力学与破坏特征的模拟测试,主要结论有:① 赋存深度是深部原位岩体力学行为的重要影响因素。岩体强度随赋存深度非线性增长,浅部(低围压)岩体的强度受载荷速率影响较小,加卸载速率对深部(高围压)岩体力学特征影响存在特定范围。② 工程扰动是深部原位岩石力学特性的重要影响因素。扰动应力路径下岩体较常规三轴强度降低,且与常规三轴力学试验不同的是出现低初始应力作用下的体积膨胀和高围压作用下的体积收缩现象。③ 原位扰动应力路径下,随深度增加岩体破坏后表面微裂纹数量减少,由“半Y”型拉-剪复合破坏向“半X”型纯剪切破坏过渡。④ 建议的煤岩原位岩石力学测试方法可以较为真实模拟地下工程扰动形成的三向不等压力学状态,能有效在实验室条件下揭示深部开采扰动下煤岩体力学行为。
Deep mining is the main way to obtain mineral resources in China. However,the engineering practice of deep resource mining is advanced ahead of the theory research,which usually results in frequent disasters. Systematic exploration of in-situ mechanical behavior of deep rock mass has become a basic scientific problem to be tackled in the field of deep mineral resources high-efficiency mining. For the deep coal mining,through capturing the stress path of the deep rock from underground measured data,the experiments of in-situ rock mechanics and failure characteristics of deep coal were conducted under the mining-induced stress path and the deep in-situ environment factors in consideration. The main conclusions are shown as follows:① the depth is an important factor affecting the mechanical characteristics of deep in-situ rock mass. The strength of rock mass increases nonlinearly with the depth. The strength of shallow (with low confining pressure) rock mass is less affected by the loading rate,and there is a sensitive range for loadingunloading rate. ② Engineering disturbance is another important factor affecting the mechanical properties of deep insitu rock. The strength of rock mass under the mining-induced stress path is lower than that of conventional triaxial test. The volume expansion for specimen under low confining pressure and the volume compression for specimen under high confining pressure are different from that of conventional triaxial test. ③ For the in-situ stress path and the increase of depth,the number of the microcracks on the surface of the specimen decreases after failure,and the “half Y”tensile-shear failure changes to “half X” pure shear failure. ④ The proposed in-situ rock mechanics test method can simulate the real three-dimension stress state caused by the underground engineering activities,and can effectively reveal the mechanical characteristics of coal and rock in the disturbed environment of deep mining in the laboratory.
deep mining;in-situ mechanics;disturbed mechanics;top-coal caving;true triaxial test
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会