• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental investigation on progressive damage mechanical behavior of sandstone under true triaxial condition

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Junwen1,2,3 ,SONG Zhixiang1 ,FAN Wenbing1 ,DING Lujiang1 ,YAO Zixiang1 ,HUO Yinghao1 ,SU Wentong1

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院中国矿业大学(北京) 共伴生能源精准开采北京市重点实验室中国矿业大学(北京) 煤炭安全开采与地质保障国家级实验教学示范中心

  • Organization
    1. School of Energy and Mining Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 2. Beijing Key Laboratory for Pre-cise Mining of Intergrown Energy and Resources,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 3. National Demonstration Cen-ter for Experimental Safe Coal Mining and Geological Guarantee Education,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China
  • 摘要

    借助于多功能真三轴流固耦合试验系统,基于深部初始高地应力状态还原思路,对砂岩进 行了不同应力路径、不同模拟深度下的真三轴正交力学试验,获得了真三轴不同工况下砂岩变形全 过程应力-应变曲线,深入分析了砂岩在 Z,Y,X 三个方向上的渐进变形演化规律,表征了真三轴条 件下砂岩渐进破坏力学行为演化特征,较好地反映了与之相对应的深部矿井巷道开挖后围岩的渐 进变形演化特征及其渐进破坏力学机制。 研究结果表明:① 同一应力路径、不同模拟深度下的砂 岩峰值强度随模拟深度的增加而不断增大,这表明深部效应对砂岩强度演化规律存在显著影响;② 同一模拟深度、不同应力路径下的砂岩 Z 向主应变随 Z 向主应力的增大而不断增加,X 向主应变 却是随 Z 向主应力的增大而不断减小,这表明应力加载路径是影响砂岩 X 方向与 Z 方向渐进变形 破坏机制的一大因素;③ 路径 2 与路径 3 下的砂岩 Y 向主应变均是随着模拟深度的增加而不断增 大,而路径 1 下的砂岩 Y 向主应变却是随着模拟深度的增加呈现出先增大后减小的渐变规律,这说 明应力卸载程度会显著影响砂岩 Y 方向的渐进变形特征。 另外,不同应力路径下的砂岩 X 向主应 变均是随着模拟深度的增加而不断增大,深部效应显著。

  • Abstract
    Based on the idea of deep initial high in-situ stress state reduction,the true triaxial orthogonal mechanics tests of sandstone under different stress paths and simulated depths were conducted by using the multifunctional true triaxial fluid-solid coupling test system. The stress-strain curves of sandstone under different true triaxial working con-ditions were obtained during the entire deformation process. The Z,Y and X direction progressive damage evolution laws of sandstone were analyzed. The progressive damage mechanical behavior evolution characteristics of sandstone under the true triaxial condition were characterized,which could better reflect the progressive deformation and failure mechanism of surrounding rock after excavation at deep mine roadway. The results show that the peak strength of sandstone increases with the increase of the simulation depth under different simulated depths and same stress path,which shows that the deep effect is significant for the strength evolution law of sandstone. The Z direction principal strain of sandstone increases with the increase of the Z direction principal stress under different stress paths and the same simu-lation depth,but the X direction principal strain decreases with the increase of the Z direction principal stress,which shows that the stress loading path is a major effected factor for the progressive deformation and failure mechanism of sandstone in X and Z directions. The Y direction principal strain of sandstone increases with the increase of the simula-tion depth under path 2 and path 3,while the Y direction principal strain of sandstone increasing firstly and followed by decreasing with the increase of the simulation depth under path 1,which shows that the stress unloading degree will significantly affect the Y direction progressive deformation characteristics of sandstone. In addition, the X direction principal strain of sandstone increases with the increase of the simulated depth under different stress paths, which shows that the deep effect is significant.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    stress-strain; progressive damage; sandstone; initial high in-situ stress state; mechanical behavior; deep effect

  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHANG Junwen,SONG Zhixiang,FAN Wenbing,et al. Experimental investigation on progressive damage mechanical behavior of sandstone under true triaxial condition[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2019,44(9):2700-2709.
  • 图表
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