• 全部
  • Title

    Study and application of high-pressure splitting grouting modification technology in coalmine with depth more than 1 000 m

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Zhenfeng1,2 ,KANG Hongpu1,2 ,JIANG Zhiyun3 ,LI Wenzhou1,2 ,JIANG Pengfei1,2 , CAI Ruichun3 ,ZHU Yangtao3 ,WANG Jun3

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. Coal Mining and Designing Department,Tiandi Science and Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing  100013,China; 2. Coal Mining and Designing Branch,China Coal Research Institute,Beijing  100013,China; 3. Kouzidong Mine,Xinji Energy Co. ,Ltd. ,China National Coal Group Corp. ,Fuyang  236153,China
  • 摘要

    高压劈裂注浆改性技术通过注浆改性方法可提高围岩自承能力,是巷道围岩“支护—改性—卸压”协同控制技术的重要一环。针对口孜东矿121302运输巷锚杆支护效果差,常规注浆方法无法注入巷道围岩等难题,开展了千米深井巷道高压劈裂注浆改性技术研究与实践。开发高压劈裂注浆工艺,研制高压劈裂注浆装备,试制的矿用气动注浆泵最大工作压力超过30 MPa,采用微纳米无机有机复合改性材料,经过超细加工,95%的粒径≤9 μm,在121302运输巷掘进工作面进行高压注浆改性试验,对注浆压力―流量变化规律、注浆量、浆液扩散半径等参数统计分析,对注浆改性后的效果进行了测试评价。试验结果表明:注浆压力与注浆流量是劈裂注浆的主控因素;掘进工作面超前注浆平均启劈压力在22 MPa左右;滞后掘进工作面6~8 m注浆,适当降低排量,注浆过程进入高压微劈裂-渗透注浆阶段,增强注浆效果。高压劈裂注浆改性工艺解决了高应力低渗透软岩“注不进”的难题,保证锚杆索锚固质量,改善新掘巷道成型。巷道围岩改性效果理想:现场取样SEM扫描电镜细观形貌分析可发现,高压劈裂注浆工艺下,新型微纳米有机无机复合改性材料可注入最小约2 μm宽度的裂隙;浆液水化固结体密实并与煤界面结合致密;纳米压痕试验证明煤浆界面区弹性模量高于煤,致裂重新黏合后的煤体力学性能强于之前。

  • Abstract
    High-pressure splitting grouting modification technology is an important part of the “ support-modification- depressurization” cooperative control technology of the surrounding rock in roadway,with the self-supporting capacity of surrounding rocks improved. In view of the difficulties of bolt support and conventional grouting methods in 121302 machine roadway of Kouzidong mine in China,the modification technology of high-pressure splitting grouting was stud- ied. High-pressure splitting grouting technology and equipment were developed,a mine pneumatic grouting pump was designed with a maximum working pressure exceeding 30 MPa,and micro-nano inorganic organic grouting composite materials D95≤9 μm were applied to carry out the high-pressure grouting modification test in the roadway with depth more than 1 000 m. The changing rules of grouting pressure and flow,grouting volume in one hole,diffusion radius of slurry and other parameters were statistically analyzed. The results show that the grouting pressure and grouting flow are the main controlling factors of splitting grouting technology,and the cutting pressure of grouting on the heading sur- face in advance is about 22 MPa. Grouting process turns to be a high-pressure micro-splitting and permeation grouting when it is carried out at a place of 6 -8 meters lagging working face by grouting flow controlled appropriately. The effect of modification is obvious by high-pressure splitting grouting,with the problem of grouting in roadway 121302 solved. High-pressure pre-grouting process in advance improves the forming state of new roadway,by enhancing the an- choring quality of bolts and cables. The microstructure analysis of SEM shows that the new micro-nano inorganic organ- ic grouting composite materials can be injected into the 2 μm width crack by the high-pressure splitting grouting process. Grouting induration is combined with the coal interface closely under high pressure,and the internal structure of grouting slurry hydrated stone is more compact,indicating that the grouted coal will have higher strength. Nano-in- dentation testing is proceeded,providing that the elastic modulus of coal slurry is higher than that of coal,and the me- chanical properties of coal recombined are better than before.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mines with depth more than 1 000 m;splitting grouting;grouting reinforcement;modification of the surrounding rock

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    ZHANG Zhenfeng,KANG Hongpu,JIANG Zhiyun,et al. Study and application of high-pressure splitting grouting modi- fication technology in coalmine with depth more than 1 000 m[ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(3):972-981.
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