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  • Title

    Thermal damage study of Beishan granite based on low field magnetic resonance

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Zhongguang1,2 ,JIANG Deyi1 ,XIE Kainan1,4 ,WANG Kequan1,2 ,LI Lei1,2 ,JIANG Xiang1,3,5

  • 单位

    重庆大学 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司 瓦斯灾害监控与应急技术国家重点实验室重庆大学 土木工程学院巴塞罗那大学 凝聚态物理系剑桥大学 地球科学系

  • Organization
    1. State Key Laboratory for the Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Controls,Chongqing University,Chongqing  400044,China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Gas Disaster Detecting,Preventing and Emergency Controlling,Chongqing Research Institute,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group,Chongqing  400039, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering,Chongqing University,Chongqing  400045,China; 4. Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada. Facultat de Física. Universitat de Barcelona,Barcelona 1. 08028,Spain; 5. Department of Earth Sciences,University of Cambridge,Cambridge  CB2 3EQ,United King-dom
  • 摘要

    研究岩石的热破裂和损伤机制在高放废物地质处置工程中越来越受到重视。以我国甘肃北山的高放废物处置库的花岗岩岩样为研究对象,采用低场核磁共振系统、MTS岩石力学试验机、倒置镜像光学显微镜对重点预选场址花岗岩的热稳定性开展室内试验研究。研究发现:① 核磁共振T2谱图在0~400 ℃没有明显变化,当温度高于500 ℃时,T2谱图振幅显著增大且向右大幅移动,T2谱面积与孔隙率在加热过程中呈现幂率关系;② 峰值应力随着温度和孔隙度的增加以幂律关系降低;③ 通过核磁共振成像(MRI)发现,温度低于500 ℃时质子密度分布均匀且没有发现明显的质子密度簇,说明岩石内部结构稳定。当温度高于500 ℃时,晶体裂纹和边界裂纹的产生致使出现大量的高质子密度区域,并随着温度持续升高质子密度高的微小区域融合成大的连通区域;④ 花岗岩岩样在不同温度条件下的核磁成像像素的概率密度函数都服从对数正态分布,当温度超过500 ℃,概率密度函数整体向右转移;⑤ 通过显微结构观察,500 ℃时在长石晶间和长石晶粒与石英晶粒间有边界裂纹产生,并在晶体内部出现少量的穿晶裂纹,当试样温度加热到600 ℃时,超过了石英α/β相变点,石英颗粒产生大面积透明状穿晶裂缝,同时伴随着明显的穿晶网络。

  • Abstract

    The thermal rupture and damage mechanism of rock has received more and more attention in the high-level waste geological disposal project. The granite rock samples from the high-level waste disposal repository in Beishan, Gansu Province,China were collected in this study. The thermal stability of granite was investigated by low-field nucle- ar magnetic resonance,MTS rock mechanics test machine and inverted optical microscope. It was found that ① NMR T2 spectrum has no significant change from 0 ℃ to 400 ℃ . When the temperature is higher than 500 ℃ ,the amplitude of the T2 spectrum increases significantly and shifts to the right. The T2 spectral area and porosity show a trend of power-law during heating;② As the increase of temperature and porosity,the peak-stress decreases with power-law rela- tionship;③ It was found by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that the proton density distribution is homogeneous and no obvious proton density clusters appear below 500 ℃ ,explaining the internal structure of granite is stable. When the temperature is higher than 500 ℃ ,a large number of high proton density regions caused by the occurrence of crys- tal and boundary cracks,and the micro-regions with high proton density merge into a large connected region as the temperature increases continuously;④ The probability density function of the MRI pixel of granite obeys the lognormal distribution under different temperatures,the probability density function moves to the right with the occurrence of α /β phase transition;⑤ According to microstructure observation,boundary cracks generate between feldspar crystals or between feldspar grains and quartz grains at 500 ℃ ,and a small amount of transgranular-cracks appear inside the crys- tals. The quartz particles produce large-area transparent transgranular cracks accompanied by a distinct transgranular network when the temperature exceeds the α / β phase transition point.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    granite;thermal damage;nuclear magnetic resonance;magnetic resonance imaging

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    SUN Zhongguang,JIANG Deyi,XIE Kainan,et al. Thermal damage study of Beishan granite based on low field magnet- ic resonance[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(3):1081-1088.
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