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  • Title

    Simulation and experimental study on electromechanical coupling model of permanent magnet direct drive system for scraper conveyor

  • 作者

    王洋洋鲍久圣葛世荣阴妍 王世博张磊

  • Author

    WANG Yangyang1,3 ,BAO Jiusheng1 ,GE Shirong1,2 ,YIN Yan1 ,WANG Shibo1 ,ZHANG Lei1

  • 单位

    中国矿业大学 机电工程学院中国矿业大学(北京) 机电与信息工程学院比亚迪汽车工业有限公司产品规划与汽车新技术研究院

  • Organization
    1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China; 2. School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing),Beijing  100083,China; 3. Product Planning and Automotive New Tech-nology Research Institute,Biyadi Auto Industry Co. ,Ltd. ,Shenzhen  518118,China
  • 摘要


    为解决刮板输送机传统异步驱动系统因减速器而造成的传动效率低、故障率高、可靠性低等问题,基于永磁同步电机设计了1 套输送量可达1500万t/a的刮板输送机永磁直驱系统,并匹配计算了所需了永磁同步电机功率、转速以及变频控制器容量。

    根据永磁直驱系统与刮板输送机之间的机-电耦合关系,利用MATLAB / Simulink 仿真软件搭建刮板输送机永磁直驱系统的机-电耦合模型,仿真分析了永磁直驱系统在空载启动、满载运行、多边形效应等多种工况下永磁同步电机的输出转速、转矩、三相电流以及刮板链的速度、加速度、张力等动态特性变化规律。




  • Abstract

    In order to solve the problems of low transmission efficiency,high failure rate and low reliability caused by the existence of reducer in the traditional asynchronous drive system for scraper conveyor,based on the permanent magnet synchronous motor,a permanent magnet direct drive system for the scraper conveyor with an annual capacity of 15 million tons is de-veloped,and the required power,speed and variable frequency controller capacity of the perma- nent magnet syn-chronous motor are calculated. According to the electromechanical coupling relationship between the permanent magnet direct drive system and the scraper conveyor,the electromechanical coupling model of the scraper conveyor is established in the MATLAB / Simulink. And the law of dynamic characteristic change of the output speed, torque,and three-phase current of PMSM and chain speed,acceleration and displacement of scraper conveyor are sim- ulated and analyzed under typical working conditions such as no-load startup,full load,and polygon effect. The simula- tion results show that the permanent magnet direct drive system can respond quickly and accurately when the scraper conveyor starts and the load changes. The output speed and torque of the motor fluctuate greatly in response to the sud- den load change without reducer. The dynamic response of the permanent magnet direct drive system has a positive correlation with the sudden change. Therefore,the optimization of the control algorithm of the drive system should be considered to improve its performance. The polygonal effect affects the stability of the speed control system,and the chain at the mesh of the head sprocket is more susceptible to the polygonal effect. Finally,the simulation test bench of small power PMSM direct drive is established,and the mechanical load characteristic curve obtained from the simula- tion is treated equivalently and then input through the dynamometer,and the simulation drive test of the PMSM drive system for scraper conveyor is carried out. The results show that the change trend of the characteristic curves of the PMSM obtained by the experiment is basically consistent with the characteristic curves of the PMSM obtained by the simulation,thus the correctness of the electromechanical coupling model of the PMSM direct drive system for scraper conveyor is verified from the side.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    scraper conveyor;permanent magnet synchronous motor;direct drive system;electromechanical cou-pling model;dynamic characteristics

  • DOI
  • Citation
    WANG Yangyang,BAO Jiusheng,GE Shirong,et al. Simulation and experimental study on electromechanical coupling model of permanent magnet direct drive system for scraper conveyor[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(6): 2127-2139.
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  • 图表
    • 刮板输送机永磁直驱系统仿真模型原理

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