• 全部
  • Title

    Self-strengthening wear resistant mechanism and application of medium manganese steel applied for the chute of scraper conveyor

  • 作者


  • Author

    GE Shi-rong1 ,WANG Jun-xiang2 ,WANG Qing-liang1 ,CHEN Hui1

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1. School of Material Science and Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou  221116,China;2. Tianjin Will Long Science and Tech-nology Co. ,Ltd. ,Tianjin  300385,China
  • 摘要

    针对煤矿刮板输送机中部槽的耐磨难题,研究了热轧中锰耐磨钢和马氏体耐磨钢的冲击磨损性能,分析了中锰钢的自强化耐磨机理,介绍了中锰耐磨钢在煤矿刮板输送机中部槽的应用实例。试验结果表明,热轧中锰钢比传统马氏体耐磨钢表现出更好的抗冲击磨料磨损性能,磨损表面硬化层厚度约1 000μm,最高显微硬度达531HV,对应的洛氏硬度达52HRC,表现出优良的耐磨强化效果。研究发现,中锰耐磨钢的耐磨强化机理随冲击功的不同而变化,由较低冲击功的马氏体相变、位错和层错复合强化机制,演变为较高冲击功时的马氏体相变、位错和形变孪晶复合强化机制。实际应用表明,热轧改性中锰耐磨钢的抗磨损性能优于Hardox450耐磨钢,可显著降低中部槽磨损,大幅度延长刮板输送机可靠运行寿命。

  • Abstract

    In order to overcome the wear-resistant problem with the chute of scraper conveyor,the impact wear proper- ties of hot rolling medium manganese steel and martensite steel were investigated in this study. In addition,the self- strengthening wear mechanisms were analyzed and the application of medium manganese wear-resistant steel was intro- duced in the chute of scraper conveyor in coal mines. The results show that the medium manganese steel reveals a bet- ter wear resistance to impact wear properties compared with the martensite steel. Approximately 1 000 μm hardened layer in thickness is formed in worn subsurface. The highest vickers hardness is about 531HV. And the highest rock- well hardness is about 52HRC,showing an excellent wear resistance strengthen effect. Wear resistant strengthening mechanism varies with the impact energy. The strengthening mechanisms at a lower impact energy are controlled by the martensitic transformation,dislocation and stacking fault composite reinforcement. But at a high impact energy,the martensitic transformation,dislocation and deformation twins composite strengthening are the main mechanisms. The application of scraper conveyor shows that the wear resistance of new type hot rolling medium manganese steel is better than that of Hardox450 martensite steel,which can effectively reduce the wear of the chute and improve the service life of scraper conveyor.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    scraper conveyor;hot rolling medium manganese steel;impact wear;strengthening mechanism

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • Citation
    Ge Shirong,Wang Junxiang,Wang Qingliang,et al. Self-strengthening wear resistant mechanism and application of medium manganese steel applied for the chute of scraper conveyor[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2016,41(9):2373-2379.
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