• 全部
  • Title

    Efficiency of compound reagents flotation of low-rank coal slime

  • 作者


  • Author

    REN Cong FAN Minqiang LI Zhihong QIAO Xiaoxiao LUO Canjin YANG Hongli LIU An

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Mining Engineeing,Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Due to the problems of low yield of low-rank coal flotation with traditional collectors and large consumption of reagents,using kerosene with the active su bstance,four kinds of compound medicaments are prepared by kerosene and ester or fatty alcohol polyoxyethylene ether nonionic surfactant according to a certain prop ortion were prepared,flotation was performed on the Hulusu non-cohesive coal,the dispersed size of the mixed and the adsorption heat were measured. the relationship between dispersed size,adsorption heat and the time of wetting balance on the clean coal yield were study by regression analysis. The results showed that the clean co al yield was higher than that of kerosene for the mixed at the same dosage. When the clean coal yield was the same,the mixed was at least 50% lower than that of kero sene. The dispersed sizes of the mixed are all smaller than kerosene,so easily dispersed in the pulp; the adsorption heat is greater than kerosene,and the adsorption 0 n the coal surface is stronger,so the surface hydrophobicity of the coal is further increased. regression analysis showed that the dispersed size,the adsorption heat and the time of adsorption balance had significant effects on the flotation,and the clean coal yield was positively correlated with the heat of wetting,and negatively correlated with the time of wetting balance and the dispersed size,and there is an interaction between the dispersed size and the adsorption heat. The compounding of kerosene a nd active substances can significantly enhance the collection ability of kerosene,increase clean coal yield and the recovery of combustibles,provide a new efficient colle ctor for the low-rank coal slime flotation.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low-rank coal; surfactant; slime flotation; compounding reagents;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引言
    1 试验
    1.1 试验试剂及样品
    1.2 试验仪器
    1.3 试验方法
    2 结果与讨论
    2.1 葫芦素1号煤泥浮选试验
    2.1.1 常规药剂浮选试验结果
    2.1.2 复配药剂浮选试验结果
    2.2 葫芦素2号煤泥浮选试验
    2.3 药剂性能评价
    2.3.1 药剂分散性评价
    2.3.2 药剂吸附热评价
    2.4 浮选过程的多元回归分析
    3 结论
  • 引用格式
  • 相关文章

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