Supporting stress characteristics and zonal cooperative control technology of long working face in deep thick coal seam
WANG Guofa,ZHANG Jinhu,XU Yajun,REN Huaiwei,YU Xiang,LIU Xinhua,ZHANG Desheng
中煤科工开采研究院有限公司煤炭科学研究总院 开采研究分院
加长工作面长度是智能高效长壁综采发展趋势,工作面长度加长后一般会使矿压显现出现明显变化,工作面围岩和液压支架的控制难度加大。采用现场实测和理论计算相结合的方法,针对淮南口孜东煤矿千米深井长工作面开展了长工作面来压频率、来压峰值和来压范围的变化特性研究,研究分析了该矿121304工作面支架受力特性及姿态变化特点,建立了基于弹性独立支座的液压支架群组支护力学模型,发现了深井超长工作面支护应力特性,理论计算与实测具有较好的一致性,在此基础上对140502工作面支护参数及控制技术进行了研究。结果表明:随着工作面长度增加,综采工作面支护应力由单峰值逐步转化为多峰值,并向两端头扩展,工作面不同区域来压具有明显的时序性且强度区别较大等特点。深井围岩劣化(低强度顶板)增大了这种趋势,工作面长度300 m即出现了超长工作面多峰值的特征。工作面支护应力出现“M”型三峰值可作为超长工作面的判据,合理工作面长度的确定应综合煤层赋存条件、工作面参数和装备能力确定。根据液压支架在空间和功能的不同属性,结合长工作面不同分区特点,揭示了超长工作面判据和群组分区协同控制原理,提出了一种基于状态误差和代价函数的工作面装备群组协同控制方法,制定了“单架控制→组控制→群控制”三级协同控制策略和实现方法,可有效指导深井厚煤层超长综采工作面装备群实现最优协调控制。
Increasing the length of working face is the development trend of intelligent and efficient fully mechanized longwall mining.When the length of the working face is lengthened,the mining pressure will generally change significantly,that is,it is more difficult to control the surrounding rock and hydraulic support of the working face.In this paper,based on the method of field measurement and theoretical calculation,the change characteristics of frequency,peak value and range of weighting of long working face in 1 000 m deep shaft of Kouzidong coal mine are studied.Based on the elastic independent support,the mechanical model of group support is developed,the force characteristics and attitude change characteristics of the support at the 121304 working face of the mine are studied and analyzed.The theoretical calculation and the actual measurement are in good agreement.Based on the above model,the 140502 working face supporting parameters and control technology are studied.The results show that as the length of the working face increases,the support stress gradually transforms from a single peak value to a multi-peak value,and expands to both ends of the working face.The pressure in different areas of working face is characterized by obvious timing and great difference in strength.The deterioration of surrounding rock in deep mine (low strength roof) increases this trend.When the face length is 300 m,the multi-peak characteristics of super-long working face appear.The “M” type three peak value can be used as the criterion of super long working face.The reasonable working face length should be determined synthetically by coal seam occurrence condition,working face parameter and equipment ability.According to the different attributes of hydraulic supports in space and function,combined with the characteristics of different subareas of long working face,the criterion of super-long working face and the principle of group subarea cooperative control are revealed,a group cooperative control method of working face equipment based on state error and cost function is put forward,and the three-level cooperative control strategy and implementation method of “single support control→multiple support control→group control” are formulated.It can effectively guide the equipment group for the super-long fully mechanized mining face in deep and thick seams to achieve optimal coordinated control.
long working face;supporting stress;1 000 m deep shaft;coordinated control;three peaks
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会